Tripbeam merely serves as travel agent to help find the best priced flight tickets available across various airlines, and help facilitate the bookings. We do not own, manage or control any airline. Thus, we are not responsible for any any loss, damage or delay of any kind that occur on part of the airline. All airlines reserve the right to reschedule or cancel flights. Bad weather or other factors may result in certain emergency situations. Any change in the operating conditions, arrivals and departures are not the responsibility of Tripbeam. The schedules we provide are only indicative based on the expected time of flying provided by the airline. All payments made to Tripbeam are thus non refundable in such situations.
We are not to be held liable for any damage or loss of any property of the traveler during the flight. We recommend the clients to have insurance that can cover these. We, however, do not provide it.
Tripbeam is not responsible for making your document verifications. This responsibility rests with the individual, to make sure he has all the required documents, passport and visa.
The information provided on the website is reliable, however, not guaranteed. The sites linking to the web pages are also not under our control. Tripbeam does not necessarily adheres to all the views and opinions expressed in the advertisements on our web pages.
Tripbeam reserves the right to change the functionality or features of any of our services in case of the softwares, services or information containing errors or found to be inaccurate. The site will be periodically updated to eliminate such issues and provide the latest information.
Please beware of any advise coming from an unauthorized source or user of Tripbeam. We do not move forward in providing services until the customer satisfies the wagering requirements.
The customers are advised to read through our terms & conditions, and other policies once before availing the services. In case of disagreement with certain policies or this disclaimer, the customer is free to discontinue using the site.