10 Things About Traveling Abroad That Every Indian Must Know

Traveling abroad is every Indian’s dream. Some travelers have that thirst for traveling that no other person deserves. Different types of travelers are there.

Some are adventurous, those who like to explore places casual travelers won’t even dare to go; and some are casual travelers who just like to travel to different tourist spots.

There may be times when you have to travel to a different country for any purpose like studies or just for the sole purpose of traveling.

One needs to be cautious about some things that are of utmost importance. To avoid any kind of controversies in a strange land, here is a list of 10 things for the safety of Indians traveling abroad.

1. Take Care Of Your Belongings

You must be aware of your belongings and should never leave them with any stranger who is being nice to you, because the places that are known for tourism, also has a high crime rate.

Especially if you are to board a flight for the USA. So just stay aware and safe.

2. Dress Properly

It is important to do full research of the place you are going to visit and it is also important to know the kind of clothing they wear in public. Should never wear such clothes that the locals frown upon.

3. Never disrespect any culture

Each and every culture should be treated with respect and a person should not do anything that is considered disrespectful.

You should always be well aware of the cultural views of the place you are visiting. Especially, conservative societies. For instance, if you are to board flights from JFK to Lahore, be respectful.

4. Avoid using disrespectful sign language

Now, you may wonder what is wrong with showing the thumbs-up sign as it is considered OK. In certain countries, it has a different meaning.

The same goes for patting the back and pointing the fingers. So, just avoid using any sign language that is considered disrespectful.

5. Eating food habits

In some countries, if you are being offered some food form the host, just take it never refuse it even if you have just eaten because it is considered impolite to refuse the food or to leave food on the plate. Always finish your meals to avoid any controversies.

6. Follow the Traffic rules

You may not obey the traffic rules in India, but it important to do so in other countries. Follow the lane discipline and avoid honking the horn too much especially in Dubai.

7. Carry sufficient money

Always have a certain budget in mind, because the world revolves around money, whether you like it or not.

It is always helpful to have some extra cash aside for any kind of emergency that may befall. Spend wisely and keep some aside for extra expenses like varying flight offers.

8. Search for proper hotels

Searching for a decent hotel to live in should always be your priority. Avoid staying at cheap hotels because those are the places where all the negative elements gather at the end of the day. So, it is better to choose a decent hotel located in a decent locality.

9. Avoid revealing too much to strangers

Always remember, people beg, borrow and steal at every place in the world, much like in India but their way of doing that is going to be so much different that you will not be able to recognize it.

They are the con artists who will take you into confidence over a course of time and then they will rob you. Just avoid revealing too much information to strangers.

10. Always be observant

The best way of staying secure is to observe people. They are all usually the same all over the world. As a traveler, just observe them from a distance and observe their manner of speaking.

You must prepare a mental note of being observant. Also, keep an eye on the best flight ticket deals online every now and then.

Follow all the above points and book your flights, to start exploring the world. Traveling abroad is always fun and it is great to plan a trip to different places. Just stay safe and get to see how beautiful the world is.
