Traveling to a new place can always be exciting. What’s more exciting than that is, traveling solo. But wait!? Unless you belong to a family full of open-minded people, there is no problem. However, if you have conservative Indian parents, then convincing your parents to let you travel alone could be a problem.
It’s not like they do not want you to book the best flight deals to travel or explore the world; they do not want you to do so alone.
They love you so much that they can not see you getting into trouble in some strange land.
If you tell your parents that you want to visit someplace, their first question would be;
who are you traveling with? And when you say “ALONE,” the immediate response is going to be a big NO combined with so many other points to convince you that the world is a mean place and you should never travel alone.
1. What will society say!
As we live in a conservative society, this is going to be every parent’s weapon of choice.
Thus, if you want to visit Calcutta, you would probably have to convince your parents a lot on this one. Only then can you book flights to Calcutta, India.
2. What if you get lost in a strange land!
After that tiring society talk, you would probably have no energy left to talk on this one, but your parents would be as refreshed as ever, and this question is going to be their second weapon.
You have to explain all your plans to them after you find cheap airfare for India.
3. What if we lose contact with you!
This is the biggest concern of all parents. Even if you are at the supermarket, they call you so many times, so do not ever think of getting away from this one.
Thus, when you book your plane tickets to India, make sure to let them know about all the ways. Also, promise them to stay in touch as much as you can.
4. What will you do if you get bored?
They would come up with this one, and you have to explain to them how you would keep yourself entertained, like with movies and songs.
5. What if someone kidnaps you!
This could take a while. But as hilarious as it sounds, you have to understand that your parents are genuinely concerned about you, and they are even making some stuff up as they also know no one is going to kidnap you unless you have an enemy.
Just sit with them, tell them you understand their concern, and convince them as much as you can. By doing so, you can easily book your airline ticket to India.
6. What if you get mugged!
Getting mugged is a big problem, and your parents know about this very well. Just promise them to stay away from crowded places and to do your homework before going to any new place.
7. Book our tickets too
When nothing works, parents will drop this missile on you, and you have to calm them and tell them; with them coming with you does not justify your traveling alone.
Alternatively, if you drop your solo travel plans till then, you can look for special flight deals for them, as well.
Get ready with all the answers and some serious talk with your parents, they will do their best to stop you, but you have to stay focused and even convince them that you are mature enough and nothing is better than traveling alone.
Give them all the details about your trip, where you are going to stay, your financial status, everything! Explore the world because you deserve it!