7 Things You Should Never Do to Catch a Plane

  • Posted on October, 15, 2015

Sometimes people do crazy stuff to catch a plane. Now, these types of tantrums can be hilarious or dangerous. If you have a flight to catch, why not reach the airport at the proper time than to use some crazy things to delay a flight.

There was a recent incident, where a person gave a bomb threat just only to delay a flight for a friend.

So, what happens to these kinds of people? Either they pay a huge fine or they get a free trip to the prison. Ignoring airport rules and doing some stupid things to catch a plane is unnecessary. All you really need to do is spend some time to find a discount on airplane tickets.

To be more precise let’s have a look at these 7 things you should never do to catch a plane.

1. ‘Emergency Exit’ Short Cut


Emergency exit as the name implies is meant for any onboard emergencies, not for the ones when the plane takes off without you.

There was an incident where a 58-year-old man who opened an emergency exit at the concourse, ran onto the ramp and chasing down the tug driver who was helping push back the airplane and insisted he is allowed to board the plane. The man was arrested eventually. So, just never take airport rules for granted.

2. Trigger The Fire Alarm


Triggering the fire alarm is not a very good option in order to stop a plane from taking off. It is as bad as calling the bomb squad. Why risk everyone’s life and cause more delays in the flight?

Just reach in time, if you are not able to do that, just remember there are more flights that will take you to your desired destination. You can always look for better alternatives such as cheap last-minute flight deals.

3. Dress up as a Pilot


Okay now, this one is not a great option. Dressing up as a pilot might have worked out for Leonardo DiCaprio in the film but it ain’t going to work out for you.

In 2012, an Italian man was arrested who dressed up as a pilot to catch flights across Europe. Never do the kind of things that will get you into trouble after some time. The cheapest way to catch flights to anywhere is online.

4. Throwing Tantrums


This is not a good idea to adopt if you are on the verge of missing your flight. By throwing tantrums, the most you are going to get is the cops. If you miss your flight, getting into a fight with the airport staff is not the right way.

Badmouthing with them will only get you in trouble, and cheap airfare deals may slip out of your hand. Just keep in mind, you will get more flights to reach your destination.

5. Drinking problem


Avoid getting all drunk when you have to board a flight. They are never going to allow you on the plane if you are over drunk. Instead of missing your flight or rolling on the floor and pleading to board your flight, just try to avoid getting all high before boarding. You may lose a good value flight deal because of your carelessness.

6. Getting naked:


As hilarious as it sounds, getting naked is not an option at all. In 2012, a passenger in Portland was at the security. To show his frustration, he stripped off at the airport itself. Eventually, he missed his flight and the meeting that he had to attend. Getting naked at the airport should never be on anyone’s list because this is just bizarre.

7. Rules to carry a gun


Take the rules to carry a gun, very seriously. You can not go past the security clearance if you are possessing a fully loaded gun.

In 2013, a passenger gave police officer he fully loaded 40 caliber pistol at the security check, the police did not just hold his gun, they got the passenger himself. So, just keep in mind, they take this type of stuff very seriously.
