Ways to Make Money While Traveling the World

  • Posted on December, 3, 2015

Imagination is the first step towards the actualization of something that wasn’t possible earlier.

When man imagined crossing the seas, he eventually did; when he imagined flying in the skies, it was made possible with the advent of the aeroplane.

Then, the surge of traveling far and wide, led man imagining to unravel lost lands, and this too happened.

So if he imagines making money while traveling, why can it not be so? Yes, it can rather it has. People across the globe have cracked many ways to make money while traveling too.

You too can follow the suit. Take inspiration from the given ideas below, and if you can imagine yourself pulling them out, it’s going to happen in reality too.

For instance, you can save big by booking flight tickets for cheap.

First, decide whether you want to travel to earn or earn to travel, or just want to make some chance of cash while traveling.

There are means of doing all of these. What is needed is to just know which direction you want to head to.

If making money is your purpose of traveling, in the first place, the following tips are for you

1. Marketing and Sales work is for you:

Friends with a map

The work requires you to travel frequently and regularly. And it pays you for traveling.

So people who are go-getters, and like/don’t mind traveling for work, set out in search of this perfect job setting.

A great way to earn money is to save it. You can book tickets with the lowest fare for the same.

2. Seasonal Work Permit


Many travel across the seas in search of better money-making opportunities.

If this is what you too are eyeing for this, apply for a Seasonal Work Permit/ Holiday Work Permit.

You can enjoy a foreign holiday as well as earn by landing a temporary job in bars, restaurants, etc. quite easily. Also, watch out for flight discounts on websites.

3. Summer Camp/ Cruize Jobs


Such jobs promise a great chance to explore new places and meet new people.

If you can land a job at a company that organizes summer camps or cruize trips, you’ll have booked for yourself a free-booking to travel to exotic places besides making money too.

Earn in Fun… Who would ever mind that? So all the travelers, make note of the following ways of making some bucks on your holiday trips, apart from saving money through cheap airline fare:

4. Street Performing


You must have seen this in films. Well, it does work in real life as much as it does in reel life.

Get set to flaunt your talents- be it dancing, street magic, playing a musical instrument or anything you feel will grab public attention.

Being paid to entertain is well-deserved. Just be cautious of not breaking any local laws and land yourself in trouble. So book legit cheap tickets and save more.

5. Your Beautician Skills may come in handy:


It is quite common travelers offering their fellow hotel/hostel guests a quick shave, haircut, manicure/pedicure and gets some extra cash in their pockets.

So if you have the skills, be equipped and you never know, you do land a chance to earn for your service.

6. Display your art at exhibitions:


While traveling if you happen to come across a carnival or exhibition, where people can set up their own stalls, try your luck.

You could set up a photography stall, or have your art pieces displayed. If you are carrying some eateries from back home (in large amounts), you could sell them too.

7. Gamble:

Cedric (Kevin Hart) in Screen Gem's THINK LIKE A MAN TOO.

When in Las Vegas, you obviously can’t miss out on this.

But there are other places too, where trying your luck in a casino wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Just be smart enough to know, when to stop and not end up losing more than what you made.

Also, remember you can always discounts on flight tickets, online.
