Exploring The Mysteries Of Washington DC

  • Posted on September, 18, 2017

Visit Washington DC Places

Washington DC, is this in your travel list now? Well, to travel is always a good idea. It brings so much good to you. It is an escape from the monotony of life, it gives you all the adventure you always wanted to have. So, let’s start listing the places we want to go and in my list, Washington DC is on the top and if you have the same let’s read and find out more about the place. Wee, it is always a good idea to know about the place you plan to travel to. So before you switch the site and Book Online Air Tickets to Washington DC from India let’s find out why we should? What’s there to go and explore?

Washington Dc is known for its architecture. This place is home to some amazing modern masterpieces. There is much magnificent architecture, much of which is historic and recognizable. There could be a long list but we have narrowed it down to 5 most impressive buildings to see.

Arena Stage

Arena Stage, Washington DC

The arena stage is a noble space that functions as a  performing arts center. And it is also an example of modern architecture, feasible and preserved. So, compare and select the best price on flight charges from India to the USA.

Eisenhower Executive Office Building

Eisenhower Executive Office Building

Initially built for the state department and the navy. Located next to the west wing, this office building houses many offices of the white house crew. Many people contemplate it as a monstrosity, it is a remarkable building even from the street. It is also a good example of the French second empire style of agriculture. Avail of cheap air tickets from India to the USA.

Library of Congress

Library of Congress, Washington DC

If you are a reader, a bookaholic then you must have seen and been to a lot of libraries. Few of them must be really nice or few would have left you with a wow but trust us after only a single visit to the library of Congress, your soul would want to be there forever. The library of the building speaks for itself. It is a masterpiece with a magnificent structure outside with astonishing intricate sculpture and artwork. And inside, it is breathtaking. It’s easy to see why it is known as one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. Nail the best USA deals and enjoy it.



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House of Sweden

House of Sweden, Washington DC

This astonishing waterfront building in Georgetown is central to the embassies of Sweden and Iceland. It is an elite example of contemporary Swedish design and architecture. Commenced in 2006. It has gained epidemic recognition and also the prestigious Kasper saline prize for the best building in 2007. A number of exhibitions take place in this building, you can see and learn from. Select the last-minute flights to the USA.

National Museum of African American history and culture

National Museum of African American history and culture

This is a newer attraction in the city. It is has opened in September 2016 and is a wonderful addition to the city. The outer side of the building stands out in bronze amidst a sea of limestone and marble on the national hall. It is designed in a way that it has succeeded in being a building of its own significant identity.

The Hirshhorn Museum

The Hirshhorn Museum, Washington DC

A circular solid with a hollowed-out middle, the Hirshhorn Museum is an optically astonishing building from the outside and inside a well. It is situated amidst the other more traditional buildings of Washington DC and the reason why it stands out even more. The architecture, housing an absurd modern art collection, must be on your list of places to visit. Catch the nest best flight from India to the US.

Union nation

Union Station, Washington DC

Not every place comes with impressive train stations, some it is the opposite of impressive but that’s not a case of this city. Washington DC is blessed with marvelous buildings that are union station. The beaux-arts design, with dramatic staircases, majestic arches, gold leaf ceiling, and lovely plaza, is truly remarkable.

So now you have a list of the most astonishing buildings, setting tough goals to the upcoming architectures. So pack your bags, get ready to visit the amazing art and architecture in Washington DC because if not now then when?


