Top 5 Azure Beaches in India to Aloft You from Your Routine Life!

  • Posted on January, 8, 2019

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Taking a sabbatical from our routine lives and connecting to the mother nature is one way to keep ourselves afresh. We tend to travel places where we can make a beat out of our troublesome life. As known, India is one of the most traveled countries in the world that offers you amazing places to spend quality time. Be it mountainous or beachy, pick your choice and pack your bags and travel to India. And if you prefer beaches over high-peaks than TripBeam is here to help you in knowing about the fascinating azure beaches.

So, book your cheap flights to India and plan a perfect getaway.

Kovalam Beach, Kerala

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In the south of India, there lies a mesmerizing beach is known as Kovalam beach. This is sure one getaway that would let you enjoy the shots of nature being very close to it. The calmness of the never-ending sea will rejuvenate your soul so that when you return back home you are fully positively charged. Catch flights to Kerala, with partners, friends or family.

What you can do here?

  1. Surfing
  2. Paragliding
  3. Sunbathing
  4. Parasailing
  5. Riding catamarans

Havelock, Andaman

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This beautiful beach is ranked #7 best beach in the world and #1 in Asia. The crystal clear blue waters, glittering sand beaches is definitely the perfect place to hang out with your family, friends or your partner. This island is not only famous for its serenity, beautiful water but also for vegetation. This place is indeed a great option for fun. So book flight tickets to India and relax!

What you can do here?

  1. Sunbathing
  2. Scuba diving
  3. Snorkeling
  4. Fishing
  5. Swimming

Marari, Kerala

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Another beach treasure lying in India is this Marari beach. This site is indeed beautiful and it’s magnificent beauty invites a lot of tourists around the season. Though this place is perfect for getting along with your family and having a great time together, it also serves as a good site to spend some good time in solitude. There are several recreational activities which you can do to have a great time with family.

What you can do here?

  1. Canoeing
  2. Kayaking

Goa Beaches

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The most visited place all around the year is undoubtedly Goa. It is world-famous for its exotic beaches. Those never-ending seas would tempt you and would let forget all your worries. An indeed perfect place for a perfect getaway where you find peace and serenity at it’s best. Goa has not got one single beach but many beaches to lure you to come and see this destination charm. Book flight tickets to Goa and have a great vacation.

What you can do here?

  1. Amazing seafood
  2. Paragliding
  3. Jet Skiing
  4. Dolphin Spotting

Paradise Beach, Pondicherry

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As the name suggests this beach is surely a paradise and a treat to watch. This beach is located 8 km from in the isolation from the mainland. One can easily reach to this beach via boat. For a fun and memorable beachy-trip, this beach would serve you the best destination. The major attraction of this beach is dolphin and it entertains everyone. So, if you are planning a vacation with your family then this beach should be on your list.

What you can do here?

  1. Sea bathing
  2. Dolphin Spotting
  3. Volleyball with Frisbees
  4. Relaxing in Hammocks

These were the popular and beautiful beachy destinations in India which would tempt you to have a good leisure time. If the list intrigues you then pack your bags and travel to India by booking your cheap flights to India.
