Air Suvidha is an online portal by the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Ministry of Health Family welfare offering a contactless solution that is facilitated by Delhi Airport for all international passengers coming to India. It is a Self Declaration Portal for passengers arriving by International flights to India. This is mandatory and essential for contact tracing purposes.
It has been declared mandatory for passengers arriving from “at-risk countries” to the following 6 metro cities;
- Mumbai
- Delhi
- Kolkata
- Chennai
- Bengaluru
- Hyderabad
to pre-book their Covid-19 test as per the latest government guidelines which have been in effect from 20th December 2021 onwards. If you are traveling by flight to India, essentially by flights to Delhi, by flights to Mumbai which are the two busiest international airports, then you are required to pre-book your RT-PCR for the airport as you may not leave the airport without a negative RT-PCR result.
The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has mandated that all International arriving passengers are required to fill the Self Declaration Form. Air Suvidha provides an online system for International passengers to submit the mandatory Self Declaration form to declare their current health status. This form is mandatory and should be filled before boarding. All passengers booking flights from the UK, Canada, or flights from the USA to India, must fill up the Air Suvidha Form. The motive and intent behind this mandatory online form are to make contact tracing easier and to allow the Indian Government to inform passengers that may have been exposed to the coronavirus.
When do you need to fill it?
There is no prescribed time frame for filling the Self Declaration Form. It can be filled and submitted at any time before boarding. However, it is encouraged that you fill it well in advance, preferably as soon as you book your flights. You can even fill the form before you receive your booking confirmation as the form is editable.
For Example, you have booked your flight from Chicago to Mumbai and are yet to be assigned a seat number; you just need to put “00” to submit the application.
The passenger shall be responsible for self-editing the SDF and providing the correct seat number, before boarding the aircraft.
How do you fill the form?
You need to visit https://www.newdelhiairport.in/airsuvidha/apho-registration to fill-up the form. The form requires the following details:
- Your personnel details like name, DOB, address, etc.
- Your flight and seat number
- Your PNR
- Travel details
- Vaccination Details (details of your doses and dates)
- Destination Details
- Contact Details
- Medical History
- Details of the Countries visited in the last 14 days
The portal in the form also requires you to upload your passport, your negative RT–PCR test report, and your Vaccination Certificate. Kindly keep in mind that the form is editable and you may fill the form in advance and you may edit the details as you book your last-minute flights to India.
How to Track your Air Suvidha Self-Declaration form
You can track your Air Suvidha Self – Declaration form by your Request Number, DOB, and Passport Number
We hope you found this information useful and if you are looking for flights to India, you can book cheap flights to India and last-minute flights to India from tripbeam.com for stress-free travels!
Also Read: United Airlines flights from USA to India