Tripbeam is happy to announce that the US has become very vocal about opening a new way to fast track lawful permanent residency. That means, if you are a skilled immigrant from any walk of life, you can avail the Heartland visa. It is endorsed by the US Conference of City Mayors. And it is an additional way for the existing green card options. So, before you grab last minute flights to India from USA with us, here’s what you should know about the Heartland visa.
Details you should know about the Heartland visa
The US put up this expedited way to obtain a US Green Card as bait for attracting talented immigrants to cities facing an economic decline. Though, the US has a history of immigrants changing socio – economic growth for many cities. It also helps boost the innovative culture for both metropolitan and coastal cities.
Introduction to the need for Heartland visa program in the US
America is often referred to as the nation of immigrants. In 2022, it was the home of 47 million foreign – born immigrants. And that’s not even amounting to more than 14% of the total US population. What’s notable is that India is the 2nd largest source for skilled citizens in the US. And the citizens are roughly centrally settled in 4 states – Texas, California, New York and Florida.
What is the need for the Heartland visa program in the US?
Statistically speaking, only 5% of the highly skilled people are settled in the US heartlands. This means, they are deprived of the socio – economic growth and innovation these immigrant groups bring to the table. So, before you book cheap tickets to India from USA with us, take a look at what the US is offering for skilled immigrants.
Current situation of the US heartland regions to introduce the Heartland visa
Currently, the result is that the heartland regions are facing a severe economic decline. That becomes even more stark when you know that more than 55% of America’s billion – dollar startup landscape is built up by immigrants! To revitalise the heartland regions, the US introduced a new way in addition to the traditional Green Card options.
Why is the US vocal about launching the Heartland visa ASAP?
Heartland visa would attempt to bridge the gap between cities like Memphis, Cleveland, Louisville and Kansas, along with many other cities. That is, in order to improve the region with investment, innovation, job creation and tech, skilled immigrants get lawful permanent residency. To say it simply, their petitions won’t be put in the Green Card backlog and forgotten about.
Here are the best features of the Heartland visa
As a rule, only the US counties with low median incomes and snail – like growth can register in the program. If you are one of the highly skilled immigrants with a Heartland visa, you will need to live in one of these cities or counties. However, you can work anywhere else. You are allowed to choose which place you want to live in. According to the official reports, petitions of high earners will be prioritised over others among applicants.
Wrapping up with a conclusion
John Lettieri, CEO and President of the Economic Innovation Group (EIG) was very accepting of the proposal. He celebrated the endorsement of US city mayors, marking it as a forward – thinking approach. This will help them tap globally into talent for the urban areas dealing with population decline and economic stagnation. It will also allow for an equitable distribution of talent all across the US for balanced population and growth.
If this interests you to hop on the wagon, get your corporate travel packages from USA to India booked with us immediately. Pack up your bags now!
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