When you want to travel to your domestic or home country, the best and first thing which you have to take it as a crucial thing is that Booking the Suitable Flight. For this you will look for the convenience, good food, best service, security, and one most important is Price. These all are main elements which the traveller is mostly aspect before booking the flight. Here we offer you some data and information on choosing the best air flights to India from USA.
On the foremost priority, Air India comes in the first place. It is one of the best and most favorite of most tourists and travelers who fly from the US to India. It is fly from San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and Newark to India directly without any stoppage.
1. Air India Non-Stop Flights
Air India is also exploiting to set up a new non-stop flight between Dulles and Delhi International airport.
Main highlights of this flight are:
- You can take 2 check-in baggage of 23kg each along with you which will be free of cost, you don’t have to pay any penny for this.
- This flight has a very favorable departure and the timings of arrival.
Onboarding you will meet with the cre3w which are friendly in nature, and to them, you can talk in your local language. - You can order food according to your choice, which is not a big issue. Even you will have various options for Indian food on the flight.
- Recreation choices are also available on the flight which is really good.
- With so many advantages you have to face some disadvantages too: some times the flights will get delayed and another on is you can’t use a Wi-Fi facility on flights.
The Skytrax has rated this flight as follows:
- Value for money: 3/5
- Food & Beverages: 3/5
- Seat comfort: 3/5
- Staff service: 3/5
- Inflight Entertainment: 2/5
Read Also:- Air India Review, Services, and Baggage Policy
2. United Airlines
After Air India, United Airlines is another most favorite airline that is used by travelers mostly by US citizens. It offers you time-saving and decent flights which provide you more comfort. But the quality of food, service is too good as in Air India. United Airlines takes off every day between Newark, New Jersey to Mumbai and Delhi.
Main highlights are:
- It has a very fast, favorable and proper service.
- You can take single baggage of less than 23kg in free of cost along with you. But if you want to carry extra baggage you have to pay $100 for each baggage.
- The price of United Airline is too expensive as compare to Air India.
- Indian and Vegetarian food is not offered you on the flights which are not a good choice to travel on this flight.
The Skytrax has rated this flight as follows:
- Seat comfort: 2/5
- Inflight Entertainment: 2/5
- Staff service: 3/5
- Food & Beverages: 2/5
- Value for money: 2/5
Read Also:- United Airlines Reviews, Service and Baggage Policy
3. Singapore Airlines
From the USA to India, Singapore Airlines is another option for booking flight tickets. As everyone knows that Singapore Airlines offers one of the best services and they are far-famed for providing the world’s best economy class service. Singapore Airlines is taking off from San Francisco and Los Angles to India. It has various main highlights, without any downfall which are not available in any of the airlines.
Main highlights are:
- Singapore has the best service with high safety standards, makes this airline world-class.
- The average age of the fleet is 6.8 years.
- It has a record of being on-time, the arrival and departure date fixed, they never delay.
- Seats are Comfortable and more legroom.
- You can carry 2 check-in baggage up to 23kg each along with you.
The Skytrax has rated this flight as follows:
- Seat comfort: 4/5
- Food & Beverages:4/5
- Staff service: 4/5
- Inflight Entertainment:4/5
- Value for money: 4/5
4. Etihad
If you are soothing with connecting flights and want to book a connecting flight from the Middle East then Etihad will be a great choice for you. But their food quality is not so good and the seats are not very much comfortable. Also, you should have to check your baggage weight two times before reaching the airport as they are very strict on their luggage policy.
Some highlights of this airline are:
- You can carry 2 check-in bags of 23kg each along with you.
- It is a budget-friendly airline which will match with your pocket.
- You can clear US immigration and customs in Abu-Dhabi.
- It provides you some great options for food.
Skytrax has rated this airline as follows:
- Food & Beverages:3/5
- Staff service: 3/5
- Value for money: 3/5
- Seat comfort: 3/5
- In-Flight Entertainment:3/5
Read Also:- Etihad Airways Review, Baggage Policy
5. Emirates
One of the most favorite airlines is Emirates when it’s all about traveling to India. With Emirates, you will experience a wonderful journey. It has a great service with the best and comfortable seats and a very good legroom. You can book cheap flights to India via Emirates.
Highlights of this airline are as following:
- You can hold 2 check-in baggage up to 23kg each along with you.
- Very good legroom.
- First-class service.
- Some great entertainment in-flight.
Skytrax ratings for this airline are as followings:
- Food & Beverages: 3/5
- Value for money: 4/5
- Staff service: 3/5
- Seat comfort: 4/5
- Inflight Entertainment: 4/5
Read Also:- Emirates Airline Fares, Reviews, Baggage Fees and Ratings
The aforementioned are top airlines that fly from the USA to India, without any stoppage, which will provide you more convenience.