Baggage and air travel go hand in hand. You cannot be sure of a hassle-free journey when you do not know the exact baggage allowance of the airline you are traveling with from the USA to India. Although there are some fixed baggage allowance policies while you travel on Air India, these might vary as per the travel conditions and the class you choose for traveling. Moreover, your fare type, journey type and the... Read more
Airlines collect billions of dollars through the baggage fee every year. If you do not read the baggage policy carefully, there’s a chance you will experience the same firsthand. Extra charges may upset your travel budget and disturb the whole trip. Therefore, become a smart air passenger in 2020. This article delves into the baggage policy of the world’s largest air carrier, American Airlines. More people travel on American Airlines flights than any other... Read more
The most crucial part about travel after finding the best flight deals is to pack for it. Also, most of the travelers find it really hard to fit their necessities in their luggage. Further, you need to take care of all the rules that your airline has regarding it. Thus, things appear to be easy when you have all the information about the policies of your airline, especially the baggage policy it follows. Excessive... Read more
Packing your luggage is the most crucial part of a trip. Also, things turn out to be comfortable and convenient, especially if you have a little knowledge about your airlines’ baggage policy. Further, we are confident that you do not want to miss your flight and waste your best deal on flights just by having some extra stuff. Further, there are two types of baggage that you need to take care of while you travel. These... Read more