The 2013 flash flood that killed thousands in Uttarakhand. It is still fresh in people’s minds. It’s a tough reminder for families who are still looking for their loved ones. A few months later, the Uttarakhand High Court ordered the state to stop any construction “within 200 meters of any river in the state.” Still, the riverbeds are dotted with illegitimate structures. Not only Uttarakhand, but other regions of the nation have also seen a sharp increase in the number of visitors. Tourist attractions are overflowing from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. We refer to this phenomenon as over-tourism. Furthermore, it is not exclusive to India. You can also check the direct flights to Kochi from USA as it will provide multiple options for travel.
Global Measures Against Overtourism: A Complex Balancing Act in Tourism Management
However, nations all over the world are acting to safeguard their tourist attractions. Venice will impose fees on day visitors ranging from $3 to $10 in January 2023 to reduce guest numbers. Following years of warnings that the waves generated by cruise ships were causing irreparable damage to the city’s foundations, Italy banned cruise ships from entering Venice last year. Thirty million tourists visited the UNESCO World Heritage Site annually before the pandemic.
To counteract overtourism, Amsterdam and Barcelona have both banned new hotel construction in their downtown areas. After two and a half years, India’s neighbor Bhutan will once again welcome foreign visitors on September 23. Bhutan is located halfway around the world. Additionally, the Himalayan nation tripled the Sustainable Development Fee it assessed visitors, raising it to $200 from $65 over the previous three decades. You can also check the direct flight tickets to Thiruvananthapuram as it will provide multiple options for travel.
Did you know?
Did you know that India’s travel and tourism industry is worth a whopping $194.3 billion in 2019? That’s impressive! This industry has created about 40 million jobs and contributed 6.8% to the country’s GDP. However, we must acknowledge that over-tourism can sometimes have negative effects on the environment, society, and economy. According to a study in 2017, some of the issues related to over-tourism are overcrowding, damage to the environment, loss of local culture, and deteriorating tourist experiences. It can also lead to congestion in city centers, an increase in real estate prices, and declining purchasing power for residents. So, it’s important to travel responsibly and respect the local culture and environment.
Challenges of Tourism Growth in India: Balancing Demand and Sustainability
Rising disposable incomes, a young population, and a growing interest in adventure activities are driving tourism demand. However, India’s record in sustainable tourism is dismal. While it improved its overall ranking to 34th in the WEF’s Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index in 2019, it ranked 139th, 134th, and 128th in 2015, 2017 and 2019, respectively. CB Ramkumar, Board Member and South Asia Director of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council believes that tourist entry should never be restricted. For day-trippers in Venice, the daily fees of up to $10 might not be sufficient. According to him, cultural preservation should take precedence over issues of access. There is a high risk on some Goan beaches.
Domestic tourists contributed 89% of total tourism spending in India. From 270 million in 2002 to 2.32 billion in 2019, domestic traveler numbers in India climbed by 60%, steadily accounting for 99% of all visitors. However, most visitors also leave a path of devastation in their wake. Every year, thousands of vehicles become stuck in horrendous traffic jams on the roads leading up to hill stations across India.
From trekking in Himachal Pradesh to rafting in Uttarakhand to parasailing in Goa, thrill-seekers are driving the rapid growth in demand for adventure tourism in some of the world’s most vulnerable ecological hotspots. If you want to look for different affordable flight options, visit Tripbeam.ca for cheap flight tickets from Canada to India.
Overtourism strains delicate ecosystems, resulting in environmental deterioration and disturbance of wildlife. Not to mention the harm it causes to the neighborhood communities. Popular hill destinations, particularly those in the Himalayan region, are putting their carrying capacities to the test. According to Santhosh Kanna S, Vice-President & National Sales Head – Leisure Travel, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd, as tourism demand rises, the supply side automatically responds. New locations open up, and infrastructure advances. According to him, some destinations may require demand management. You can discover the greatest and most recent offers on reasonably priced and cozy international flights if you’re looking for last-minute international flight deals.