Jet lag, one big problem for the travelers. How to get over jet lag? Flying from one time zone to another is trying to cope with that sleep in the museum or in the meeting you’ve flown across the sea for. Not acceptable right? You, me, anyone, everyone who flies multiple time zones has to deal with the bio-rhythmic chaos termed as Jet lag. Almost all of us are well aware of the term and have experienced it.
Flying from India to the USA, you switch your watch 12 hours backward but what about your body? Can you switch it that as well? No, your body’s like, what’s happening, bro? Well, it’s not that easy to make adjustments with the body clock. Your body will demand food when your clock will ask to sleep and when the clock will allow you to eat, your body would want to sleep. So to many of us assume our first day of the trip a complete waste. Yea! How can one think of roaming around like zombies?
Now the question here arises, can we deal with jet lag? If yes, can it completely? No, the answer is, No. We cannot completely overcome Jet lag but then yes the symptoms can be minimized. Note the below info before booking the USA to India ticket, or any other long-haul flight next time.
Here are some tips on how to tackle and how to get over jet lag!
Have a look!
Before you leave home for the flight, take enough rest.
Isn’t it stressful, flying halfway around the world? Well, yes it is. So why getting into so much stress? Instead, take rest. What we are here trying to say is, if you leave your home for the flight, not slept well you definitely are going to struggle with jet lag. If you were partying the last night and took the early morning flight, chances are that you will not end up having a good first part of your tour. How to deal with it now? Simple! Really simple. Just give your body enough rest. 48 hours before the flight, calm your body down, be slow and save your energy, don’t party and avoid making these 48 hours hectic for you. And we are sure if you do so, jet lag on longer routes like flights to India from Pheonix and so on, won’t be a problem.
Use the fly time to rest and for reset even
Music, movies and other entertainments keep them aside and as soon as the pilot announces the time of the place you are flying to, adjust your clock accordingly by not giving any importance to the time of your home country. If it’s night time in the country you are traveling to, simply go to sleep and we assure you’ll land completely fresh. Wow! No Jet lag!
But! But! What if you reach there by 4 in the morning. Oops! Problem right? Well, we have a solution. Jet lag doesn’t go well with exercise and fresh air and stuffs like that. Got our point? It’s simple, land and goes for a walk, exercise. Your body would want sleep but no, no. Wait for the night to come. So, now you can travel, say flights to Mumbai from the USA.
Are there jet lag cures?
Yes! Of course. Everything has a cure and jet lag is no alien. However, this is the last thing we would want to promote or suggest. But then we’ll have to admit that the sleep aid Ambien has been travelers friend, helping them combat jet lag. Also, keep in mind, it can have side effects so before you take, do consult a doctor. Also, there are travelers who go for melatonin, it’s a hormone that helps adjust one’s internal clock. So you can go for this as well. Proper rest is important. Break longer flights into layovers. You can take benefit of accommodations at the airports, such as Radisson at the Detroit Airport, etc.
Well, what the bottom line is, why go for medicine and stuff when you can easily overcome jet lag through a good sleep before leaving home? Follow the above few tips on how to get over jet lag and do get over it to enjoy your trip.