New Guidelines of India for International Travels from 15 Dec

New Guidelines of India for International Travels from 15 DecNew Guidelines of India for International Travels from 15 Dec

With the COVID crisis being under control in many countries and the increasing rate of the world going back to pre-covid times, the Indian Government issued new guidelines. After a long 20 months, the resumption of international flights will start from 15 December with restrictions depending on their health risk status. There are 11 countries with “at-risk” status of COVID-19 infections including countries like the UK and Europe. These 11 countries are South Africa, Brazil, Bangladesh, Botswana, China, Mauritius, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Israel. The list of these countries was decided by the health ministry, based on the number of infections.

Tripbeam is here to guide you through the guidelines in a simple easy to understand manner. Look at the main highlights of the recent update by the Indian Government.

The government order said that “Full flights will be resumed for countries identified to be not at risk.” Among the at-risk countries, “about 75% of pre-Covid operations will be allowed for countries if they are among countries India has bubble arrangements with, and 50% of pre-Covid for countries with which India has not signed bubble arrangements.”  Though the decision came after the emergence of a new coronavirus variant in South Africa, it was accepted by all.

Among the countries presently not at risk are some key countries for Indian travelers like the USA, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and more which is sure to give a rise to the US to Delhi flights for Indians returning home. As India has an air service pact with more than 109 countries, the news was readily welcomed by the airlines’ industry also as they expect a rise in demand because of the increasing travelers. But there was opposition to it also with the viewpoint that this will halter the revival of Indian Airlines.

Tripbeam brings you not only great packages and deals but also the latest information to keep you updated on your travels. Following are comments by the Aviation Ministry and some others relating to this decision.

International Travels from 15 DecInternational Travels from 15 Dec

“Due to prevailing COVID-19 situation, the capacity entitlements shall be as per the category of countries based on the enlistment of countries as at-risk from time to time by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,” the Ministry of Civil Aviation said in an order issued on Friday.

“This will give relief to passengers traveling to countries where international flights are resuming by arresting high fares. Doing this in phases will also help keep the virus spread in check as a few European countries have reported fresh cases of coronavirus,” said Gaurav Bhatia, executive director at Bird Group.

“This opening would mean giving away our traffic to Gulf as well as Southeast Asian carriers and further impacting the revival of Indian carriers,” said an airline executive on condition of anonymity.

The government could have resumed flights gradually as it had done with the domestic sector, which was also added by the executive.

“In a market that is bursting with pent-up demand for international travel, and a tourism industry that has been starved of revenue, the opening up of our international travel routes is exactly the timely intervention that was required to give a boost to the millions of Indians who are dependent on this sector for their livelihood,” said Subhash Goyal, chairman STIC Travels. Check for last-minute flights to India for airlines on Tripbeam to find the best travel deals for you.

“We welcome the resumption of flights under the bilateral agreements for many countries. There has to be some re-planning and rescheduling by the airlines, and this will take a day or two, perhaps longer for foreign carriers. Until the competitive situation on each route becomes clear, it is difficult to predict the fare trajectory. In general though, more capacity is, of course, good news for the customers,” Willy Boulter, Chief Commercial Officer, IndiGo.

Though there are different viewpoints, the decision of the aviation ministry is well received by everyone from travelers to airlines and countries. Are you planning your trip to or from India? Look for the US to India last-minute flights on Tripbeam and book yourself a comfy ride at an affordable price.

There will also be noticeable changes and a decrease in flight fares with the increase of carrying capacity per flight and more flights for same and different places. Travelers should follow protocols and rules to help lower the spread of coronavirus and its new variants. Tripbeam wishes for everyone to have joyous and fun moments on their trips while keeping them safe.

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