Runway Extension Program – Design & Development Process Stages

Runway Extension Program Design Development Process StagesRunway Extension Program Design Development Process Stages


The key infrastructure that determines the safety of flight operations is a “Runway”. For instance, if you have a direct flight to India from USA, then the airline will align a specific runway route for the aircraft to ensure a secure landing or take-off. So Airports highly rely on the runway as everything revolves around runways in the aviation vertical.

Since the aviation industry plays a crucial role in the economy and finances, it is necessary to maintain the quality of runways. However, designing and building a runway extension program is very complex. But investing in a runway program is absolutely worth it and guarantees high revenue. Even a simple runway extension will boost the overall abilities of an airport and positively impact airline reviews.

Need for Runway Extension Concept Design

Aviation is a multinational industry connecting people, cultures, and businesses worldwide. Therefore, it continues to expand to a significant outreach. Since it is an essential means of transport, air transport has doubled in size and it is one of the fastest gown industries. As the air transport revenues grew by 43.6% and reached approx. $727 billion in 2021. Now, you must have understood the importance of airports. For example, if you need to travel across the country (USA to India), then you would require to book flights from USA to India to reach the destination. Because other transportation modes will not be able to drop you at the desired location in a short time span along with comfort.

So the aviation industry rules on top among all the transportation verticals. When it comes to aviation, airports with great runways are a very powerful asset. In addition, the dimensions and quality of the runway add more value to the overall airport services. There are several other things that are very vital for a runway at the airport. For example, the number of passengers, size of aircraft, new airlines launch, safety, operational resilience, etc. This means runways have to be in satisfactory condition to manage the entire airport flawlessly. Let’s assume you are traveling via a direct flight to India from USA and your plane gets on the right runway, then you will have a smooth and timely landing.

Top Reasons for Runway Extension

  • Increase the airport services
  • Expand the range of aircraft (with and without refueling stops)
  • Accommodate frequent long-haul flights (international)
  • Increased traffic at the airport and outside
  • More space for ramps, terminals, hangars, parking, etc.

When the need for the expansion of the airport runway is clear, you may start actively working on the runway project concept design. For instance, if you want to specifically expand the runway for the USA to India flight, then get a concept design first. Further, you can start the additional work.

Runway Extension Planning & Compliance – Aviation Regulations

For runway expansion at the airport, there are a number of aspects to consider. Primarily, planning is very important. While planning for a runway extension, focus on a design. In runway design planning, dimensions play a very vital role. So you must be careful while planning the length of the runway. Furthermore, it is important to plan for the aircraft noise inference on ground communities, airspace capability, airspace design, and infrastructure work.

According to the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), there are main 2 components for the Aerodrome Reference Code categorizes. First, set the ‘Aerodrome Reference Field Length,’ as per the runway length. Second, code the aircraft wingspan or outer main gear wheel span. Among these 2 elements, you may choose whichever is suitable in the best possible manner. For example, the first method is more suitable for a direct flight to India from USA, then set the ‘ARFL based on the runway length.

During the planning stage, this classification is used alongside International Civil Aviation Organization design guidelines and any national requirements from controllers such as the FAA and EASA. As these factors are important in the planning and design phases to provide the right length of the runway extension with other associated work.

Runway Extension Construction Phase

Prior to construction work or planning, check whether the required land comes under the airport boundaries or not. Because this impacts the workflow strategizing and execution. If the land is within the border, then start the runway expansion work like earthworks, road, rail, utility, watercourse diversions, or demolition of structures. On the contrary, if the needed land property doesn’t come under the airport, then get the property authority first.

This will help you begin the airport runway extension. In general, airfields are challenging for construction, especially when there is only 1 runway in the working. To get the runway extension work on time, a lot of planning and effort is required day and night. Moreover, it is very crucial to reduce the airport operating hours and schedules based on construction work planning. Let’s say the international flights to India from USA departure time is in the morning, then schedule the construction work in the evening or night.

Set up on-site production plants within the airport to facilitate fast construction of the runway expansion. Generally, the construction work comprises new and extended taxiways, and connected airfield infrastructure. Also, aerodrome lighting, signage, and paint markings must be checked, replaced, or updated as per the need for safety purposes.

Runway Extension Establishment

We must test the entire runway and its functioning to ensure accuracy and safety. The testing of the runway post-construction is done by ORAT (Operational Testing and Readiness). When the runway surpasses the test and the aerodrome regulator is fully satisfied, approval is given to officially operate the extended runway at the airport.

Then the airport can operate any flight from anywhere and benefit from the extended runway. No matter if it is a direct flight to India from USA or a domestic flight within the country. When the airport with an extended runway is ready, it can be used with additional power. Therefore, runways are beneficial to generate great revenue.
