Top 10 Travel Tips for Nervous Flyers

  • Posted on August, 24, 2019

Do your palms get sweaty whenever you are about to take a flight? Does the thought of being in a winged tube 10,000 feet in the air make your heart sink? Then you, my friend, are not alone! Many Nervous Flyers experience some anxiety before or during their flight. Aviophobia is a common difficulty that troubles countless travelers. The fear of flying may be due to several reasons. Some travelers are scared of crashing... Read more

Travelling to India from US for the First Time

  • Posted on October, 19, 2015

India is a country that always remains on everyone’s wish list but they do not do much about it, due to so many security and hygienic reasons. That’s true, India is not an easy place to live or to visit but people do live there, in fact, India has the 2nd largest population in the world. Just think to yourself, what is life without a little adventure? India will help you to achieve that... Read more

10 Things to Do in San Francisco at Night

  • Posted on September, 17, 2015

San Francisco is a famous city and county in California, USA. Also, it is said to be the smallest city of the USA and the second-largest populated city after New York City. Further, San Francisco is the most popular tourist destination of California state as it has beautiful hills, cool summers, fogs, etc. The twin peaks are the second highest peaks in California, and they provide a spectacular view of the whole of San... Read more
