An Ultimate Guide to Buy Best Overseas Travel Insurance for Your Next Trip

  • Posted on June, 18, 2019

Did you know why travel insurance is worth getting? If you understand how important is car insurance for your car and home insurance for your hme, then you’ll easily get to know that you can’t have a trip without travel insurance. When you look for the best travel insurance, you can’t neglect the costs that travel insurance saves for you. A traveler needs appropriate medical coverage when he gets injured or sick during the... Read more

Know How Traveling is the Best Form of Education

  • Posted on June, 13, 2019

Humans are able to process visual information better than any other form of data. Hence, the best way to learn and grasp data is visual. Combine that with the practical approach, and you have the recipe for the best form of education. Visual learning garners better response than textual. One of the most fun activities to expand knowledge is known as traveling. First-hand exposure to things and events help us in identifying with them better.... Read more

Lufthansa Airline: Luxurious Facilities of Business Class!

  • Posted on March, 14, 2019

Lufthansa Airline

Business-class travel is full of relaxation, ease, and peace. One can easily get away from the noise, sit comfortably rather than sitting tightly, and avoid an irritable atmosphere. That is why business class flights offer various facilities to their travelers to sit restfully. One can get services at flights in the night time that make him or her feel very important. Lufthansa Airlines has some luxurious basic amenities to serve its passengers. Have a look!... Read more

World’s Best Airlines for In-Flight Meals

  • Posted on March, 12, 2019

best airline meals

We eat when we are happy, and we eat even if we are not. So, basically we eat in every other situation, including the time when we travel. Regular travelers often lookout for best airline meals. For travelers who prefer food, there are airlines that actually serve delicious food at 3000 feet, with selected guest chefs to meet the demand of valuable travelers. Here’s a list of best airline meals from across the world! Singapore... Read more

The Reason Why There Has Been a Sudden Hike in the Checked-Baggage Fees of the Airlines like Jet Blue, Delta & United !

  • Posted on October, 11, 2018

The Reason Why There Has Been a Sudden Hike in the Baggage Fees of the airlines like Jet Blue, Delta & United!|last minute flights tickets to India

If you are a frequent flyer and was planning your next air trip then, this time take our advice to wad your budget as some major airlines like United, Delta & Jet Blue have raised their baggage fees. Following the footsteps of other airlines such as Jet Blue, Air Canada, West Jet, United Airlines which increased the baggage fees by $5, Delta on 20th September 2018 also stated that luggage fees on all the... Read more

7 Ways to Save Money on Your Vacations

  • Posted on September, 3, 2015

7 Ways to Save Money on Your Vacations

‘If traveling was free, you’d never see me again.’ This quote has been long trending on social media and why not. In actual traveling is not free but you can save money on your vacations. These words iterate almost every traveler’s plight. There’s no limit to places one desires to visit, but like everything else, traveling too needs a Master Card (money). Still, if you are a travel buff, this limitation cannot stop you.... Read more
