6 Daredevil Adventure Activities You Need To Go For

  • Posted on January, 4, 2016

Some daredevil adventure are not meant for the faint-hearted. But for the ones who have the guts to embark on such feats, would say, getting better over fears is the most amazing feeling in the world. Also, the high that such adventures provide is given memories for a lifetime, and butterflies in the stomach every time that remarkable event is recalled. Further, if you too wish to have similar sensations, and are ready to... Read more

June Frenzy: 5 Best Places To Visit

  • Posted on May, 15, 2014

June is a great time of the year to gaze at the Milky Way. You can relax on a sand dune in the Namib Desert. Or witness the festive Frenzy of North America and Europe. Also, travelers who wish to travel to Sub Saharan Africa get a privilege to indulge in wildlife. Let’s throw light on some of the best places to put on your travel list for June: 1. Namibia Namibia has a... Read more
