Vaccinated Indian Passengers Can Travel to the US from 8th November 2021

  • Posted on October, 23, 2021

According to a recent announcement presented by the White House, completely vaccinated Indians can now travel to the USA as the country has opened up for travel of foreign nationals who have taken both doses. As a White House official added, this will be the beginning to ending the sudden restrictions that had to be imposed in the early months of last year. Also, the austere and reliable policy is guided by public health.... Read more

7 Ways to Save Money on Your Vacations

  • Posted on September, 3, 2015

7 Ways to Save Money on Your Vacations

‘If traveling was free, you’d never see me again.’ This quote has been long trending on social media and why not. In actual traveling is not free but you can save money on your vacations. These words iterate almost every traveler’s plight. There’s no limit to places one desires to visit, but like everything else, traveling too needs a Master Card (money). Still, if you are a travel buff, this limitation cannot stop you.... Read more
