Top 11 Progressive Indian Villages as Tourist Attractions

  • Posted on May, 27, 2019

Top 11 Progressive Indian Villages as Tourist Attractions

India is popular for its festival, cultural diversity, tradition, rituals and heritage. It is also amongst the fastest developing nations in the world. While the cities are still exploring their potential and moving towards a better tomorrow, the 11 Indian villages mentioned in this article are way ahead of their time. The initiatives taken by the Non-Government Organizations, villagers and other individuals have made them stand apart from the rest of the world. These... Read more

11 Prominent Zoological Parks to Visit in India

  • Posted on May, 20, 2019

Prominent Indian zoological parks

Many different types of flora and fauna call the Indian Subcontinent as their homeland. The side effects of development have resulted in the loss of habitat for many animals, some of which have become extinct. There are many others that are endangered. In measures to handle the situation better, many zoological parks around the nation create awareness about wildlife. Especially, amongst the general public. India is home to many zoological parks. However, this article... Read more
