Wondering what the universe holds for you in the future. Can’t get off the entanglement of the past? Is it the right time to take the leap of faith? Wanna do something back? Get the command of your life back? So, if the fool tarot card appeared in your card reading then the answer to the above questions is in the affirmative. You should trust in your abilities and jump in to win the world. The decisions must not be taken in haste and a blinding manner.
Here Tripbeam presents to you a complete guide about the appearance of a fool tarot card in your reading, it’s significance when it shows upright or reversed, and reflections of the card about love, career, and travel.
Meaning and description of the fool tarot card
Meaning- Fool tarot card is the first major Arcana tarot card. The card itself is the first step to a new journey. it symbolizes the beginning and represents you who are about to embark on this beautiful journey. The card is also known as the ‘joker tarot card’ and ‘0’ the fool tarot card, the number before numbers.
Rachel Pollack in her famous books has pointed out that the number zero is like an egg. It is full of life, getting ready to hatch. But nobody knows what is inside the egg. It means that the card represents nothingness, the whole, a blank canvas awaiting action and projection. The card signifies the unconscious energy and not the conscious will of humans. It represents the very first step. It is the cradle on which dreams and hopes are built. The card means boldness and the faith to make the first step.
the fool tarot card depicts the very beginning and the important step that will finally culminate in big ambitions. It signifies the adventurous journey of an ambitious person. The person is completely ready, willing, and super excited for a new adventure and to conquer the world. The card is parallel to the childlike sense of wonder and enthusiasm. Whether this is a person,s first time out in this world or the latest in a series of adventures, the card holds a special significance. Determination and confidence are the keys that will make the world fall at his feet.
His hope has been represented by sunrays, he has the need to seek something new symbolized by the waves in the back. He has a flower in his hand to guide him and a wand to protect him. His toes are sliding past the threshold of his current reality and entering a new domain. There is a small dog near his leg who is showering him with warmth and at the same time warning him of a potential misstep. The eyes are closed; however, the fool is embracing the new dimension of his newfound reality with wide open arms. Despite the closed eyes, they symbolize that he is not afraid to take risks or make mistakes, as the confidence exuded by him suggests. Furthermore, the fool is standing tall and facing all the obstacles like a warrior.
The keywords of the fool tarot card
Before heading further, let’s take a look at the important keywords connected to this card.
Predictive fool tarot card key meaning– a new path, a new direction, spontaneity, open to possibilities, or a quest for something
The fool upright key meaning- travel, adventures, new opportunities, fresh beginnings, optimism, enthusiasm, faith, and spontaneity.
The reversed fool key meaning- recklessness, distraction, carelessness, rash behavior, impulsive choices, lacking experience, and irrationality.
Element– air
Numerology– 0
No or yes key interpretation- Yes
The fool upright tarot card meaning
If someone receives the fool tarot card in an upright position, then it is a secret message to open up to fresh beginnings and carve out a unique path of yours. It says that now is not the time for ‘whats’ and ‘ifs’ rather taking a leap of faith to begin the new chapter of life. The guardian angels are signaling you that everything will be fine, just have faith and belief. The card holds a great reward that you need to claim by being braver and accepting. The new future holds such promises that you even can’t think of. This card is all about risks and appetite for taking risks. Just like foolhardiness but with the sagacity of the sage. Your life is going to turn upside down and you will be abound with the greatest of the fortunes in near future.
Here, let’s see what the upright fool tarot card speaks about the different aspects of life viz love, career, and travel.
The fool upright meaning- travel
A fool tarot card appearing upright means a journey is about to start. You are going to explore something bigger, something greater, you will make enemies who will try to stop you with their ego and negativity. But ego and negativity are destined to fail in front of your positive outlook and confidence. You will open a box of a plethora of activities that will let you travel places in the coming times.
The fool upright meaning-love
The fol tarot upright reading in Love signifies the start of a relationship in your love life. It may also mean a new chapter in an already existing relationship. You will discover new ways to harness your romantic energy. The romantic potential in you is ready to sparkle in public. You are going to have mind-boggling chemistry with your significant other and haters will envy you. People will seek inspiration and ideas from you on how to sparkle their love life.
The fool upright tarot meaning-career
Career-wise, you will scale the steps on the ladder of success. Slowly and patiently, you will develop professional abilities unrivaled in your domain. Furthermore, the tarot card signifies that you will awaken your kundalini, which will leave you with boundless energy to achieve milestones in your professional journey. Additionally, the card asks you to trust the universe and believe in divine energies for favorable outcomes in your career.
The fool reversed tarot card meaning
When the fool tarot card appears in reverse during your reading then it means you need to find optimism in midst of pessimism. It means that you may face obstacles and dark and murky clouds but sunrays of new hope are not far behind. You need to hold on and believe the process. The times are temporary indeed as they are the universe’s way of testing you. Your grit will be tested to the fullest. You need to cross the river of hardships before coming out with flying colors. Howsoever the obstacles may seem tough, howsoever the path may seem unclear, you need to stay focused and not a moment should pass when you are distracted from your goal. Your whole perception of seeing the world is going to change in the coming days and you will feel the bliss in the divine communion with the universe.
Here’s let’s see what the reverse fool tarot card signifies in different aspects of life
The fool tarot reversed meaning-travel
When a fool tarot appears in reverse on reading then has got many aspects regarding travel. Fundamentally it means that you are reluctant to take new steps and tread new paths. Something is holding you back. You are unsure of your abilities to deal with the challenges sprouting up from treading on an unknown path. Fear and low confidence often grapple you whenever you think of starting a new beginning. But don’t worry the holds a significant promise that soon everything will alter and new sunshine will arise from the corner that will sparkle new joys in your life. You only need to be firm in your faith that good day are just a whisker away.
The fool tarot reversed meaning- Love

The fool tarot appearing in reverse during reading means that finding love has been a tumultuous ride for you for quite a time. You often think about the absence of a connection or spark with your significant other. Maybe you have a fear of commitments or maybe time is not just ripe for the love in your heart blooms. Reversed fool tarot also comes with a promise that soon everything is going to change and a new beginning is on your way. Soon your kitty will blossom with love you have never seen before.
The fool tarot reversed meaning- career
The fool tarot reversed in your career means you belong to a dissatisfied lot. You are often dissatisfied with whatever activity you engage in. because of this, you end up switching careers often. You need to take control of your life by stepping back and holistically viewing your circumstances from a bird’s eye view. There are certain issues that you are not resolving and that are interfering in your work life. You are just steps away from enjoying a fruitful work life. You need to make fundamental changes to your attitude toward your career and you will be good to go. This card also represents hopes, dreams, and aspirations. But all it demands from you is a positive attitude and a change in outlook towards things.
The fool no or yes tarot guide
Often rough or undelightful patches of life mandate a card reading. And as per the fool tarot card guide, answers to the direct questions will depend on the position of the card.
The fool upright no or yes guide
If the card pops up in the upright position, it indicates yes as the answer
The fool reversed no or yes gude
If the card pops up in reverse position during reading, then it indicates No as an answer.
According to the system of tarot cards, fool’s tarot card meaning will ultimately depend upon the position in the spread it has shown up. A lot depends on the what surrounding cards are( the magician, the world tarot card or the star tarot card). Who is asking the questions, what type of questions are asked, and what exactly is the context will reveal the exact answers and significance of the Fool Tarot card. Moreover, the Fool Tarot card’s message is in terms of direction only. It shows you only glimpses of the future, and it depends upon you what actions you are going to take according to the message.
The fool tarot card is all about the start of any kind. it symbolizes the first step that is often hard to take. The beginnings, as represented by the fool tarot card, are often the hardest. Whether it’s the beginning of a new career, a new romance, or even a new house, a new spiritual journey is about to begin. Here, you will discover your inner self and the intuitive voice within you. So, embark on a trip of self-discovery.
Remember, the Fool tarot card is like a cheerleader in all cases and utters the powerful words, ‘just go for it’. Furthermore, you need to be confident and trust your gut, and start believing in the plan of the universe that it has for you.
This sums up pretty much all about the fool tarot card and its significance when it pops up during the reading.