Things You Should Never Do in a Hotel

Hotel Etiquette- it is not just for the housekeeping and other hotel staff, but the guests as well.

Booking into a high-end hotel, and behaving like hooligans is obviously not appreciable at all.

When you pay for a service, you don’t get the license of owning the person delivering it. Emptying away hotel bathroom’s toiletries is undoubtedly cheap.

These and many more obnoxious things people do in a hotel, only earn them a bad name.

Some will be secretly cursed, some laughed at, others may leave behind a not-so-good story to be discussed by the staff for a long long time.

If you like leaving behind happy memories everywhere you go, and if you care to know the unsaid rule of common courtesies,

Here are 10 things, you shouldn’t be doing in a hotel ever.

Remember them before you look for the best air ticket deals:

1. Don’t You Raise Hell On the Staff?  They too are humans and are prone to commit mistakes. If you have any serious complaints, report to the Manager. Don’t settle scores yourself.


2. Before stamping the house-keeping as thieves, make sure you’ve made a thorough search of the lost article.

More often than not (9 out of 10 times) the items that are reported to be stolen are recovered from the luggage or the room itself.


3. The toiletry is indeed, free to be used. However, it just doesn’t set a good impression if you greedily take it all with you while checking out.

4. Keep in mind, that sometimes it is not just about making a good impression, getting your hand on certain hotel property might add to your bills too.

For example, the bathrobes, towels, bedspreads, kettle, jugs, etc. are not. At all, up for grabs like the soaps.

So, keep that in mind before you even start comparing the best websites for flight deals and hotels.

5. Another good etiquette to make you own is, never spoiling the hotel props.

Do not use the washcloths to take off your make-up, or worse, shine your boots.

Also, use the internet to get the best flight deals.

6. The hotel room is not exactly a private place. Unasked for intrusions may happen. The house-keeping may come for cleaning or fetching food trays etc.

If you do want no one disturbing you, make it clear. Do not ever forget to hang the “Do Not Disturb” signboard.

7. Don’t uselessly fiddle with the Minibar. In luxury hotels, these minibars have sensors.

Chances are if you are fidgeting with the contents inside they are being added to your bill as well.

Take no chances, if you cannot pay for it. And, bear in mind that cheap flight ticket deals come to those who book early.

8. The hotel staff is no free caretakers for your kids. So don’t hold them responsible, if your kid lands up in any trouble while wandering around.

Inattentive parents are the top on the list of most annoying guests, the hotel staff wishes never to deal with.

9 Thousands of strangers check-in and check-out in a hotel every day. Even after high security sometimes, untoward things happen.

So do not leave behind your luggage unattended in the hotel lobby ever.

Moreover, when it comes to travel, the best flight tickets are available on websites.

10. Last of all, never try to act too smart by sneaking in for early check-in and delaying your check-out.

If you do require more time to make a move, ask the manager first. Good manners can be rewarding.

If you get a cheap last-minute airline deal, it is better to inform the staff before leaving.

Access how good a guest you are, and how good you can be.

There are these little things that count big in ensuring an enriching travel experience, apart from the joy of flying cheap.

While the former is in your hands, but for the later, you can rely on us (T&C: you should be flying to the States).

So, book a cheap air ticket from India to the USA here at Tripbeam.
