11 Biggest Travel Mistakes & How to Avoid Them- Tripbeam

 Sometimes the unanticipated happens, and you fall prey to travel mistakes. Your holiday is your precious time, and you make sure that it turns out to be a memorable one.

Do not worry as these Travel Mistakes can be avoided if you take note of the below-mentioned tips:

1. Carry your identification

Keep sufficient hard copies of your prescriptions, passport, essential contacts, and itinerary on your flights to Bangalore from Chicago. Keep a set to yourself and e-mail a set to your friends, boss and parents.

Enroll yourself in the department of “State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program” (STEP). This way, it will become more comfortable for the nearest consulate or US embassy to get in touch with you at the time of emergency.

2. Prepare a first-aid kit

Make sure that you have prepared a first-aid kit to carry to your destination. Also, carry your copies of prescriptions where they may be required by you and make sure that you do not take any illegal medicines to your destination.

3. Claim your luggage

Label your luggage and also make sure to tag it by the airline before your checking it. Place a copy of your itinerary on top of your belongings inside the bag that you are carrying along with your India airline tickets. It forms an excellent back up in case your luggage-tag comes off.

4. Keep extra

Store an extra pair of socks, toiletries, and underwear along with a small bundle of cash in the carry-on in case of baggage loss. Wear comfortable clothes while you are traveling.

If you have to spend a night at the airport on your Tronto to Chennai flights, you, of course, won’t prefer doing it in tight jeans and bellies. Also, carrying a light and comfortable blanket and pillow will let you sleep comfortably anywhere.

5. Devise a backup plan

Make your backup plan quite ahead of your journey. If you usually travel with the same people, coming up with different plans will be worth it. While traveling with kids, devise a disaster plan that contains two meeting-places in case of an emergency.

6. Pack games and snacks

Satiate those growling hungry stomachs with food-items that travel well. These include foods such as nuts, candies, protein bars, and crackers. You can’t make out when you’ll be stuck on a runway, lost on the road, or need to show up after your room-service stops serving.

Also, stash a deck of cards in your bag so that you do not get bored when you have ample downtime.

7. Recharge

Carry batteries or back up chargers for cameras, phones to relieve your stress. This is in case you are at a place where there is no right adapter or power outlet.

8. Utilize private/public spaces

If you are in a foreign city, and you wish to make use of a clean bathroom, hotel-lobbies can prove to be anonymous and welcoming places. When in an emergency, the front desks will possibly have a staff that speaks English.

They also know well about the area. Public libraries form nice places to read, utilize free internet, and a quick snooze.

9. Set your clock

You travel to widen your horizons. Refrain from fault-finding when the pace of your life and the level of service start getting on your nerves. Swing to the time-schedule of the locals and pace up your life and is considered as the biggest travel mistake.

10. Ensure yourself

Call the credit card company before planning your next trip or booking flights from Boston to Bangalore. Most of them will offer lost-luggage insurance.

Also, shed a few bucks per day for food, lodging, and additional expenses when stranded. Do not forget to read legalese and fine-print so that you know what you can expect.

11. Keep calm

Panicking is natural after the flight cancellation, or the hotel loses your luggage. It is advisable to keep your cool in such situations. People who can help you in such circumstances, may not feel comfortable if you keep freaking out.
