9 Reasons Why You Should Travel Solo In Your 30s

  • Posted on December, 21, 2020

The prospect of turning 30 and travel solo can be terrifying for many travel enthusiasts. But, it shouldn’t make any difference in your travel plans.

Gone are the days when people used to pity men and women traveling unaccompanied in their 30s. Attitudes have changed drastically over the last few decades, and we can notice a rapid rise in people flying and exploring solo not only in their 30s but also 40s.

If you are in your 30s and traveling solo is on your mind, India is a place for which you can book your next flight. Brave the world with your ultimate companion – yourself. Reserve your cheap flights to India from the USA and travel to the most preferred tourist destination.

If you are still undecided about a solo  in your 30s, here are a few reasons why you should find a cheap flight as soon as possible, pack your bags, and explore your next destination.

1) The Greater The Number Of Years Added In Your Age, The Wiser You Get.

With age, comes wisdom. In the 30s, you might consider yourself older, but at least you have more knowledge, experience, and perception.

At this age, you will know exactly how to plan a cheap and convenient trip. You can come up with better routes. From booking cheap flight tickets to staying at affordable and the most comfortable hotels, you can plan it all.

Also, if you are 30 or more, the pressures of society no longer matter to you. You can travel on your terms.

Similarly, a meager budget will no longer be your concern. The 30s means that you have a career and hence can spend. You can spend any amount you want and order whatever food you want to try.

2) Your Trip, Your Rules!

The best part about traveling on your own is that you get to make your own rules. Take a break from caring about everyone else around you, and think only about making yourself happy. For once, think about pampering yourself.

When you are alone, you can go where ever and whenever you want. From getting cheap deals on your travel to planning your trip and then experiencing it, you are the one who gets to decide everything.

There’s no worry about putting up with your family and friends. You don’t have to entertain anyone. You also need not worry about getting dragged to do things you don’t want to.

Want to visit a museum? You need not worry about people getting bored. Explore your destination as per your interests.

3) You Will Get To Complete Your Travel Bucket-List

We all have a list of places we want to see and things we want to try in our lives. Now is the time to complete that list.

Just because your peers have settled down and are starting a family, you don’t have to. Live on your terms and follow your heart because as they say – you only live once. Experience as much as you can.

Travel while you are in good health because one day it will be too late to fulfill your wishes. Make sure you don’t have any regrets later in life.

4) You’ll Meet New People And Make Friends

When you travel alone, you tend to get more social. Although you are traveling solo and are in your 30s, a little company never hurts, and it’s never too late to earn new friends.

While you are on your own, it is natural that you tend to make conversations with strangers. Try to talk to your fellow passengers during your flight or your fellow travelers while you are exploring to gain new perspectives. Sometimes, it is fun to know other people’s stories. You never know what they might have in store for you.

We can assure you that you will make new friends. Researches show that great bonds can be formed during traveling. But, we leave it up to you to decide whether you want to continue your friendships post your trip as well or not.

5) You Will Get Space To Think

Life in your 30s can get quite hectic and monotonous. So, take a break, find cheap deals to your next travel destination, and plan a thrilling solo vacation.

Our busy lives can shift our focus from some essential things. By traveling solo, you are sure to get some me-time to think about all those vital things that you are putting off since forever.

Traveling all alone is also a perfect opportunity to do things that you love to but don’t have the time to execute. You can feast on your favorite books, movies, or even write your diary. Do whatever you have in your mind. No one’s judging you!

6) You Will Feel An Immense Sense Of Delight And Achievement.

Traveling solo gives a sense of achievement and pleasure, which cannot be measured in words. You learn to put up with yourself on your own.

The satisfaction that you get, when you find a cheap flight ticket to your destination is beyond explanation. Then, boarding the flight all by yourself and traveling to your place of travel and finally experiencing your trip all by yourself will give you a sense of accomplishment and delight that you would have never experienced before.

So, if India is your next travel destination, find cheap flight deals to India, and plan a visit as soon as possible. We assure you that this magnificent place can never disappoint you. Instead, it’s sure to give you moments that you will cherish for the rest of your lives.

7) A Last Minute Plan Will No Longer Be An Issue

It’s easier to arrange last-minute things when you are traveling solo. Whether you have to get last minute flight tickets, hotel rooms, or car rentals, you have to think only about yourself.

You can be completely flexible and fit in with whatever options are available. There are chances that you might get cheap deals.

8) You Can Live In The Moment

In your 30s, you no longer have the obsession of selfies that you had in your 20s. Therefore, you can get to be in the moment and enjoy the world around you.

Of course, you can still take a selfie or two before tucking in your phones into your pockets and getting lost in the wonders of nature.

9) You Will Come Back Refreshed

Since you get plenty of time for yourself during your trip, you can spend it gathering your thoughts. As a result, you are sure to return home with a clearer head.

A solo trip, if taken correctly, can prove to be a life-changing experience and can leave you refreshed.

On your next trip, make it a point to have an honest conversation with yourself. This will help you come back with a clear vision of what you want to do or where you want to go in your life.

Your wanderlust should not remain restricted to your 20s only. Forget about the society’s norms of traveling solo in your 30s being a terrible idea. According to us, your 30s might be an excellent time to get a cheap flight to your destination, pack your bags, and go on an adventure.
