Travel With Elan: Tips For Solo Women Travelers

  • Posted on January, 23, 2014

“To find the real person in you, To connect with yourself and To experience the world from a broader perspective, You must Travel…Alone!” With our article “Travel With Elan: Travel With Elan: Tips For Solo Women Travelers.’ Discover essential insights for fearless exploration. Learn critical insights for adventurous exploration.

Every word of this quote justifies itself. Traveling is to witness the enormity of a world waiting to be explored. This exploration is not merely about traveling from one city to another.

The destination is not what is imperative; it is the journey itself as it opens your wits to new dimensions.

With crime against women in India reaching an acclivity, the very thought of a woman traveling alone in the country might send shudders down your spine.

Traveling to India across the length and breadth of the country all by themselves, connecting with new people and exploring far-off places might sound just as exciting to the women as much as it does to the men.

Backpacking and solo traveling are common interests of Indian men these days. Indian women, however, lag behind in comparison to foreigners while it comes down to traveling alone in their own country.

There are taboos related to a woman traveling alone. Of course, it’s considered perilous with the rising number of rape cases in the country. To make the country a pleasant sojourn for both foreign and Indian women, we need to cleanse the society of this taboo.

If being a woman, traveling the nook and corner of India is on your mind, consider following some simple tips.

These tips will help you make the most of your journey.

Not only will you be able to make some amazing trip memories, also you will set an example for other women to travel alone without any fears piled up on their backs as baggage.

1. The first thing to do on your solo travel-list should be to free your mind of all insecurities. You are not bound to experience anything wrong. Most cases that come ahead related to solo women travelers are usually exaggerated by the media. The chances of you falling amidst the dark marshes of these crimes are very less.

2. Next, don’t make travel plans to far-off destinations impulsively.If you haven’t traveled a lot already, we suggest that you first plan your solo trips over short distances. Once you have an experience of what it is like to travel alone, you can always try going to far-off places all by yourself.

3. The traveling time should always be your prime concern. Avoid traveling at night. Taking local cabs or buses is slightly on the greyer side of solo traveling. Pre-book your tickets and be well aware of the time it’ll take you to reach your destination.

4. If you are a foreigner, make sure you keep your flight’s tickets, passport and other important documents in a safe bag.

5. Don’t carry all your money in one bag. You should keep some and identity documents in your pocket as well.

6. In this age of technology, you have everything from women safety apps to navigators at your beck and call. Make sure you install trusted apps like VithU, Maps in your phones while on a trip. This will keep you from hoodwinking.

7.  In India, what you’re wearing is directly proportional to the amount of attention that you capture. Not that, you dress up conservatively. But dress up in a manner that does not grab loads of eyeballs.

A survey revealed that nearly 80% of men in India think that a woman who travels alone wearing a pair of shorts is likely to grab much more attention than the one ‘sensibly’ clad. It sounds offensive, however. It’s considered to be the right thing to do. A lot of solo women travelers follow this.

8.  Before checking into a hotel, make sure you keep your tabs clear about the facilities and security related to the place. You don’t want to sleep with nightmares hovering all around. Do you?!

Be confident while traveling. Even if you’re a little nervous, don’t show it out to the people around you. Also, here are some important things, that every woman Travelling Solo To India must Know

For a woman, traveling in India all by herself can turn out to be the most liberating and refreshing thing to do.

There are complications, but following a safety, the regime will help women feel safer while on a trip alone. Also, it can set paths straight for other women to travel where their hearts are.
