Trek Travel to 5 Once in a Lifetime Trails in the Himalayas

  • Posted on August, 26, 2019


The Himalayan range in India is perhaps on top of every trekker’s bucket list. The rugged and heavenly terrain of Himalayas has made it a tourist magnet. Hence, trek travel trekkers and backpackers from across the world are catching cheap flights to India from the best airlines.

Trekking is one of the most practiced adventure sports. It is an activity that can be enjoyed by anyone in good health. The reason being, it doesn’t need specialized skills.

However, there are certain things to take care of, before embarking on a trek.

So, before we move on to 5 fascinating trekking trails, let’s go through some tips to make your trek travel a safe experience:

– General knowledge of camp craft is recommended

– Learning basic first aid and map reading skills are recommended.

– An adventure sport course in mountaineering adds to your experience.

– Do not venture out into the mountains on your own.

– Contact an experienced trek traveler or join an adventure club.

– It is advised to do thorough research before traveling to the trek site.

Further, let’s take a look at five fascinating once in a Lifetime trekking experiences in the Himalayas:

1. Roopkund Trek, Uttarakhand

Roopkund Trek, Uttarakhand

Roopkund is the most famous trek in India, and perhaps the most mysterious in the world.

Also, the Roopkund trail is amongst the most beautiful in the Himalayas. Moreover, this trail has some of the best campsites.


The Roopkund trail is moderate in terms of difficulty.


During your trek, the landscape changes significantly. You will pass through the breathtaking woods, creeks, snow, and ice-capped mountains, and marvelous meadows. Experience some of the most beautiful sights ever.

Not to mention the vistas of peaks like Neelkantha, Kedarnath, Trishul, Nanda Ghunti, and Chaukhamba.


However, the highlight of the trek is the bone-chilling Roopkund Lake. It has baffled humanity since its discovery. The high altitude glacial lake is filled with over 300 human skeletons.

The local guides narrate fascinating stories based around the mysterious events that led to the disappearing of 300 people.

2. Chadar Trek, Ladakh

Chadar Trek, Ladakh

Chadar translates to ‘blanket.’ Therefore, the ‘Chadar’ refers to the blanket of snow. Especially the thin layer of ice over the Zanskar River! It is located in one of the most picturesque locations in India, Ladakh.


It is amongst the most challenging treks in the Himalayas. You can also embark on this trekking trail during January and February.


During summers, the terrain looks colorful, sunny, and vibrant. On the other hand, during winters, the snow blankets the trail.

Captivating lakes, frozen waterfalls, and the heartwarming smiles of the local Ladakhis are going to greet you en-route.

Other than this, magnificent gorges, ravines, and caves also make up a part of the landscape.


The most exciting part of the trek is the Zanskar River that wears a thin blanket of ice. It freezes during winter months.

Huge snow-capped mountains surround the river. Walking over the frozen river feels nothing short of a fairytale.

If lucky, you might even spot a snow leopard, foxes, and ibexes along the way.

3. Har Ki Doon Trek, Uttarakhand

Har Ki Doon Trek, Uttarakhand

Har Ki Doon is amongst the oldest Indian trekking trails. It is known as the ‘Valley of Gods.’ According to the Hindu epic, Mahabharata, the trek is referred to as the ‘ascent to heaven.’


The Har Ki Doon is comparatively an easier trek; Easy to moderate.


The trek will take you through some of India’s finest pine forests and alpine meadows.

It has the bewitching views of the Swargarohini group of peaks. Moreover, you will be passing through some of the oldest villages in India.

Glaciers like Jaundhar and areas overflowing with orchids are going to treat you along the way.


the trek includes a visit to the historical temple at Osla. There is a 5000-year-old intricately carved wooden chamber.

Another highlight of the trek is camping by the flowing river. It makes its way through the forests that have an abundance of flora and fauna. It is also a paradise for birdwatchers.

4. Valley of Flowers Trek, Uttarakhand

Valley of Flowers Trek, Uttarakhand

As the name suggests, the trail is brimming with billions of beautiful flowers of different colors and shapes, based on the season.


The Valley of flowers trek’s difficulty ranges from easy to moderate. It is a recommended trek for amateur and beginner trekkers.


The landscape is an alluring assemblage of flora. It includes mosses, lichens, conifers, shrubs, meadows, and more. And, the countless species of flowers will capture the attention of every traveler.


The Sikh place of worship, Hemkund Sahib is the trek’s highlight. It is a divine tourist attraction. The seven snow-covered peaks around you will warm your heart.

Also, the pristine lake of Hemkund located at an altitude of 4329 m is amongst the most enjoyed spot.

You will come across rare and exotic wildflowers. They include lilies, saxifrages, petunia, calendula, geranium, zinnia, and more. Colorful butterflies will accompany you along your way.

5. Rupin Pass Trek, Himachal Pradesh

Rupin Pass Trek, Himachal Pradesh

Rupin Pass trek is going to take you through some of the most uncharted regions in the Himalayas.

It is extremely popular amongst domestic as well as international travelers. The high altitude and sudden changes in the terrain are some of the reasons.


The trek is full of twists and turn. Hence, the difficulty level is high.


The landscape throughout the trek changes vastly. It has numerous waterfalls and streams.

Some of the waterfalls are so high that it gives you the illusion of dropping from the sky.

Moreover, the lush rhododendron and oak forests greet you so abruptly that it almost feels like a magical change of landscape.


The Jhaka village way looks as if it is hanging from the cliff, due to its extreme location. It has also earned the village the title of ‘hanging village.’

The snow bridges of the trail are another unforgettable highlight of the Rupin Pass Trek.

So, trekkers from around the world must gear up for the once in a lifetime Himalayan experience.

Plan your journey well in advance. It will not only mentally prepare you for the challenges of trekking but also help you score cheap flights to India.

Explore the Himalayas, the third-largest deposit of snow after Antarctica and the Arctic.
