Nowadays, people are traveling more by air. But even so, the seats have become harder, more cramped and too crowded to be comfortable. However, truth of the matter is, nothing is impossible with a few tricks on hand to take control of your experience. Flying can be a stressful experience in itself when you book discount airlines with lowest airfare possible. We’re here to help you out with that situation. Read on to know how you can change your best flight experience for the better every time.
1) Check SeatGuru for information about your seat before you book cheap flight tickets to know if the seat is comfortable and details like whether there is a window in the row or if you have an aisle seat or whether the seat is small and cramped. That way, you’ll have the understanding of what you’re about to book.
2) Reserve one aisle and one window seat if you’re traveling with a companion. If the flight isn’t full, you’ll get the whole row to yourselves. And if someone does book the middle seat and you prefer sitting together with your companion, the subsequent passengers would happily oblige and give up the middle seat to either of you. This is an old trick that works when you know flights are going to be empty because most passengers avoid middle seats.
3) Choose the window seat if you plan on sleeping. You won’t have to fear leaning on someone else as you can simply lean on the window, or someone waking you up to get out of the row.
4) Always, ALWAYS pack a sleep kit or buy one that is available at most airport gift stores. A sleep kit usually consists of a U- shaped neck comfort pillow, a sleeping eye mask and ear plugs. This is helpful if you want to get some shut- eye during your journey, without people disturbing your precious sleep with random noises.
5) If possible and if you can afford to buy one, do buy a pair of noise canceling headphones. They will block out all noises whether you are listening to music or not. Your ears would even be safe from airplane engine sounds and normal chaotic din of the passengers. That is helpful if you want to sleep without music in your ears.
6) Test- run your travel pillow. Don’t let an ill-fitting travel pillow spoil your flight; make sure it offers proper support before boarding. So avoid this situation by taking your travel pillow for a test ride before you board the flight. That way, you’ll still have time to know whether the pillow is comfortable or if you need to exchange or change it completely.
7) Wear compression socks on flights to boost blood flow and keep your legs and feet comfortable.
8) If you’re out to choose a carry- on bag, try buying a soft foldable carry on. This is because your shoulders will be thanking you for not letting them lift up really heavy suitcases into the overhead cabin. Your feet will thank you for the extra legroom when you stow that bag under the front seat.
9) Don’t forget to dress in layers. If you are a frequent flier, you very well know the effects of traveling at high altitudes. The plane rides will get chilly; even more so when you don’t have something to cover yourself up in. If you dress in layers, it will be easy to get bundled up when you feel cold and remove a few layers when you’re warm enough.
10) On that note, pack a thin blanket or a large shawl to cover you up with. Protecting yourself from the continuously changing temperature is important. Airlines used to provide this for free but now they usually charge an amount to provide blankets.
11) Balance each alcoholic beverage with 2 glasses of water. Getting dehydrated during your plane ride is never a good idea. If you’re craving for or planning to drink coffee or alcohol, try to keep it to a minimum.