Ukraine: Things to Know About the Conflicts | Tripbeam

Have you ever been locked in a closed room by someone as a prank? If yes, then you can try to amplify your fear by 1000% and that is the situation that the citizens of Ukraine are currently facing. Ukraine has faced similar issues with Russia in the past. In 2014, Russia had taken control of the Crimea region by forcefully annexing it. But that is not the only thing one should know about as times are changing and Ukraine is facing great troubles on its doors. 

Tripbeam is an online flight booking portal offering cheap tickets to India from USA to thousands of travelers each year. We also strive to provide you with other services like the latest travel information. Scroll down to see some key facts about Ukraine and important points of the great conflict threatening not only Ukraine but the whole world. 

Key Facts About Ukraine

  • Ukraine used to be a part of the former Soviet Union and was founded in 1991 when the Union collapsed.
  • It is the eight-most populated country with a population nearly 4 times larger than Greece.
  • Russians represent nearly 17 % of the total population and the Ukrainians represent 78%. The nation has many minorities like Belarusians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Crimean Tatars, Romanians, Poles, and Jews.
  • The country shares more than 2,000 kms of the border with Russia in the East and North East. It also shares borders with Belarus(a Moscow Kremlin-aligned nation).
  • The peninsula of Crimea is considered an internal part of Ukraine. But, Russia annexed the peninsula in 2014 and formed two federations. Firstly, the Republic of Crimea and secondly, the Federation City of Sevastopol.
  • The two nations, namely Ukraine and Russia share economic links like the same power grid and more. This will also affect the situation that presently both the nations are facing.

People have conflicting views about Russia and its President Vladimir Putin’s actions of starting a war. Before scrolling down further on the reasons behind this world-affecting event, we would like to say that no matter who wins the war. No matter how many nations come in support of Ukraine, the ones losing their homes are ultimately the people. And we know how much home means to a person. That’s why if you are also planning to move back to your home in India then book cheap air tickets to India with us for cost-effective trips. Let’s have a look at why Russia took such actions. 

Guide to Ukraine-Russia Conflicts

Why did Russia invade Ukraine? Will the European continent face a threat greater than the cold war? Find the answers to such critical questions below. 


In 2014, the then President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, decided to make closer ties with Moscow leading to mass protests that removed him from his position. The same year Ukraine lost its Crimean peninsula to Russia which took it by force. The West and Ukraine made accusations on Russia of helping the rebellions in the East which were denied completely by the authorities. While Russia was being condemned for these actions, it also raised questions against the West holding drills with Ukraine and Ukraine’s aspirations of being part of NATO. 

Demands of Russia

Russia is very much clear in what it wants from Ukraine. It sent a list of security demands to the US in December 2021 and firmly stated that it does not want Ukraine to be a part of NATO. The reason being given by Russia is that the armed drills and setting up of security camps by NATO is threatening for the nation. Vladimir Putin in his statement has seeked for guarantees from the US that any and all weapons-related activity to be ceased near the Russian borders. 

Tripbeam hopes that the situation concludes without bloodshed. Everyone loves their home irrespective of their nationality. If you are looking for affordable flight tickets to India then contact our travel experts to make your trips cost-effective.

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