While a career is usually based on hard work, perseverance and focus, can your zodiac sign suggest what’s best for your career? Well, the answer to that is yes. According to Vedic and Western astrology, the placement of stars, moon, planets and sun are imperative in determining what career works better for an individual. This makes it easier to gain success and importance in professional life. While Tripbeam recommends booking flights to USA from India and getting a professional reading done, it doesn’t hurt to know the nuances of your zodiac sign and if your career choice is suitable according to your zodiac sign.
Careers based on your zodiac sign
Aries (21 March – 19 April)
The fiery, passionate Aries are often driven with power and ambition. They show a lot of promise in leadership roles as they are natural leaders. Given the right direction, they work best as a corporate big hit, firefighter or soldier without being bossy and controlling, as they are often perceived to be.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
Formidable and steady Taurus are inclined mostly towards love and money. They love all the luxuries that money can afford and they don’t shy away from working hard for it either. They would work great as financial analysts due to their resolute and patient nature.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
Gemini people are sociable of their bunch, flirty and vivacious with zesty energy. They are popular and intelligent, and always excited to try out something new in their work life. They have a gifted tongue, which makes them valuable as a human resource professional or a publicist.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)
While they are moody, emotionally sensitive beings, Cancer people are great as natural caregivers and work well in medical and paramedical fields of work. They can also become therapists or social workers as well because they are innately intuitive.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)
It comes as no surprise that Leos are attention seekers. They love being in the limelight and their warm, charismatically sunny personality helps enhance that even further. This makes them best suited to be actors, models, theatre artists and social media influencers. Such glam jobs require glam travelling but if you’re booking on Tripbeam, you’re in luck with our last minute flight deals. Go check them out after this.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
The perfectionists of the zodiac circle, Virgos are great at catching the minutest details that could affect a situation. As they are so demanding of their work lives, they work best as planners and analysts. Some common examples of career would be investor, event manager and event planner.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)
Libras hold a special place for arts in their hearts. With an effortless love for culture, along with their interpersonal skills and likeable personality, the best choice of career for them would be artists, art curators, fashion designers and gallerists.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)
While Scorpios are the most intimidating and vengeful of the zodiac circle, they are also the most intuitive and emotionally intelligent of the bunch. Hence, it is natural that the intense Scorpios would work great as psychiatrists and criminologists.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
The epitome of adventure and positivity, Sagittarius often are incredibly sharp minded but easily bored of routine. However, they are not unstable or careless in their pursuits. So they work great as travel planners, adventure sports instructors, travel bloggers and scuba diving professionals. And when you want to book last minute flights, there is no greater companion than Tripbeam. We help you save more, ALWAYS!
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
Capricorns are routine lovers, tenacious and incredibly disciplined. They are usually described as the dream bosses and employees due to their highly ambitious nature. As such, they naturally thrive on management or professional jobs that provide them with job security. For example, data engineers or CEOs of an organisation.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
Aquarius people are revolutionaries at heart, making small or significant changes wherever they are. For such souls, it is best for them to become activists, researchers and social workers because they have the most progressive minds and love reflecting on their own self.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Pisces are the peace- loving bunch of the zodiac circle. Often misrepresented as overly emotional crybabies, they are people who wear their heart on their sleeve. The kind people have an inborn affinity for all things literature and art. Hence, they make for great artists, writers and healers through meditation.
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