One of the most influential cards in a tarot deck, the 22 Major Arcana cards represent the situations we face in the course of life while clarifying and guiding us to face unexpected situations. They help us give solutions to problems, assist us in making necessary decisions, and reveal the bigger and long-term picture of life.
Though the Major Arcana individually holds a deep impression and meaning, put together in order, they also tell a story. The first card is that of The Fool, and their experiences as they go through different phases in life are depicted by the rest of the 21 cards. This is not unlike that of a human, who goes through life facing trials and tribulations to grow into whole beings by the end of their journey.
If you’re interested in learning more about tarot cards, you should think about consulting an experienced practitioner. While you wait for that opportunity, feel free to continue exploring the Major Arcana cards’ deep meaning and symbolism. On another note, if you’re scouting for cheap flight tickets from USA to India, be sure to check out Tripbeam, renowned as the go-to destination for the best travel deals.
@0 – The Fool
The story starts with the young and defenseless Fool. Since they have not experienced the trials of life, they are unaware of the enormousness of the challenges of life and do not know their potential as well. When this card comes up, you are invited to take on their open, curious energy and accept all that comes at you without distress.
@1 – The Magician
This card serves as a reminder to the reader that they are exceptional and possess many skills. Such ‘skills’ make you stand out among the rest and help you in starting new projects or conquering hardships. The Magician is to remind you that you already have what you need to go ahead and accomplish what you want to do.
@2 – The High Priestess
The High Priestess is the most intuitive card on the deck and stands for awareness. The mind knows much more than you think, so let it encompass your conscience. The card invites you to listen to your internal voice and follow what your instinct tells you. When this card comes up, you are urged to stop looking for answers in the outside world and turn to your inner self for the direction you seek.
@3 – The Empress
The Empress influences beauty, love, and compassion, and is the most feminine card on the deck. Urge yourself to allow yourself to submerge in the natural world, as she is intensely connected to Mother Nature. This makes her impact more powerful.
@4 – The Emperor
This is the card for power and leadership, just like the emperor who has gone through many struggles to achieve an authoritative position in his life. He impacts structure and strength, and when it comes up, he reminds you that you too, have an immeasurable power over your life and what becomes of it.
@5 – The Hierophant
The Hierophant is talented in guidance and spirituality and denotes a messenger from the heavens who is tasked to bring lessons down here into the mortal world. When this card turns up, you are invited to figure out a spiritual perspective on your current situation and follow the rules.
@6 – The Lovers
This symbolizes the close relationships in your life. The most obvious meaning when this card turns up is to pay close attention to your love life and partner. However, it also denotes your values and decisions. That is, it might come up when you find yourself at a crossroads, so ensure that you consider all possible choices and outcomes in these situations.
@7 – The Chariot
Your natural willpower and ambition connect to the Chariot. It might indicate an upcoming victory. Most of all, when it comes up, this serves to remind you that your greatest achievements and successes won’t come if your thinking is limited. Fuel your mind with the power of your heart and you will become a force to be reckoned with.
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@8 – Strength
Like the name, this card depicts courage, the resilience of your heart, and the ability to withstand any unfavorable situation that life throws at you. When this card comes up, it calls upon you to remember that you have the courage to face whatever you are going through, and you will emerge from it with even greater power than you had before.
@9 – The Hermit
Since the Hermit longs to be alone in solitude, this card is a reminder that the only way to understand what is going on in your life is when you detach from the world and create a space specifically for quiet seclusion. You can only get your answers within you, so be still and listen in.
@10 – Wheel of Fortune
Spinning like the wheel of luck, sometimes it comes out good, sometimes it is not so favorable. When this faces you, you need to remember that nothing is permanent- whether it is the good or the bad. So you need to appreciate the lessons of those moments and learn from them.
@11 – Justice
The card is a firm but fair hand for everyone, serving as a reminder of the cause and effect’. There is a consequence for each action, so whatever it is you are facing now has come from decisions made by either you in the past or that others made for you. Expect fair interactions and dealings from you when this card turns up.
@12 – The Hanged Man
This card symbolizes the meaning that sometimes small sacrifices pave the way for a bigger outcome. So if this comes up in your reading, it might be because you want to take a step but are unsure where to start. In such situations, you need to understand what isn’t working for you and let go of that. Alternatively, you can also detach yourself from the result of the situation which will help further your release.
@13 – Death
This is one of the cards that readers have the most misunderstanding on. The card Death does not symbolize actual death but it is a cycle of life. As in, all things must pass. If you are still holding on to the past things, it becomes difficult for new things to come into your life. So when this card comes up, remember that even an ending for you has the potential of a new beginning.
@14 – Temperance
This card stands for moderation, as in, you need to go with wherever life takes you instead of trying to control or force its direction or speed. When Temperance turns up, it serves as a reminder that you need to embrace everything as it comes and remain pliable enough to keep up with the changes in and around you.
@15 – The Devil
This card represents restraint and helplessness, as in, the Devil has convinced you that there are no other options for you. However, that isn’t the truth as the key to your freedom is in your own hands. It depends entirely on you whether you want to open your lock or not.
@16 – The Tower
This card symbolizes destruction, and it usually turns up when you feel like everything in your life is collapsing with no way to stop it. The message of this card is to let it all happen because the weakest parts of your life should fall first to let you build something stronger and more stable in its place.
@17 – The Star
Healing and hope, this is the message the Star represents. She has a calming impact with the missive of regeneration, inspiration, and positivity. When this turns up, it is a reminder that you need to trust where the world is taking you because it is in your favor.
@18 – The Moon
This card hides feelings, thoughts, fears, and doubts within it. So when this comes up, it symbolizes that you are giving in to your fears which are overpowering your faith in positivity. However, you cannot believe everything that you can see, touch or hear. To solve such situations, it is best if you draw these feelings to the surface and deal with them accordingly.
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@19 – The Sun
This one is a spectacularly strengthening and uplifting card, and it represents joy, vitality, and happiness. This is a surefire sign that things are going well for you and in the right direction. So you should notice all the good people and situations around you at all times.
@20 – Judgement
This card represents putting your past and future together. So when this turns up in your reading, you should review your words, actions, and decisions until now to align them with where you want to go in the future. The Judgment card reminds people that they can still make a change, as the future is unpredictable. You can always take a small or significant step and alter its course.
@21 – The World
This is the final card of the Major Arcana and it symbolizes fulfilment and completion. Expect fair interactions and dealings from you. without any changes when you encounter this in your reading. You are ready to take on the world after all that your experiences put you through and have a deeper understanding of who you are. You are ready for the next phase of your journey.
To sum up, the Major Arcana Tarot cards reflect significant life experiences and spiritual development on a metaphorical journey. Every card has a distinct meaning that leads people to self-reflection and enlightenment. And for worldly adventures, visit Tripbeam to book affordable direct flights to Delhi from USA.
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