After the situation with the unfortunate pandemic COVID19, travel industry has changed in more ways than one. It was entirely stopped when the pandemic hit, but now things are slowly but surely getting back on track with proper precautions in place. Read the full article to maximizing your staycation for a Memorable Local Getaway.
However, it just isn’t the same anymore. With the lockdowns and curfews in effect, people who love to travel are left itching to go out and enjoy taking a break from the continuous WFH (work from home) which has left them with zero work- life balance.
With the pandemic in full blow, we are forced to stay cooped up in the houses together and have a regular mundane routine that we can’t get out of. We get up only minutes before the day’s first virtual meeting with the colleagues, eat anything that’s nearby and/ or easy to cook, sit with a laptop all day long to finish the work assigned for a day.
And when, finally the work gets over, we reward ourselves with more screen time. The need to take a short time off of everything has become imperative, which gave into the trend of the re- rise of staycation.
What is a staycation?
Staycation is basically a stay away from home in your own city. Not only is it comparatively safer, it is also free from any mishaps that might occur due to sudden lockdown announcements while you enjoy the posh luxuries that a hotel has to offer.
Of course, you’ll need to check first whether they have proper procedures to keep the stay safe and sanitized. There will be limited social interaction and hence, lesser risks of exposure.
Staycation is driving to a place near your home where you can relax and unwind yourself without the regular pressures of life- whether that is a hotel/ resort, a camping ground or anything else.
While it had its moment earlier in India, it didn’t become as popular as it is now and eventually, had died down. Staycations are currently trending again in India as the savior for those with wanderlust.
What to do on a staycation?
While we stay in our cities, we often pass through places that hit tourist spots every day without giving them much thought. A pair of fresh eyes can turn any city into a hit destination, and each city possesses its own charm; popularity is not a requirement. We’re here to help you figure that out.
1) Book a stay at a luxurious hotel/ resort.
This is the first step as you’ll need to book a place to stay away from home. Whether you choose to do it in a hotel/ resort or a camp ground, or even a nearby park, it’s up to you.
Figure out what will make you unwind at the end of the day- is it staying out or staying in? If staying out interests you, but you need the little luxuries of staying in, opt to go glamping.
2) Have a nap or get a spa treatment.
A very predictable way to start your staycation, but it works wonders to ease the days of stress off your shoulders. Work the kinks off your shoulders with a nice massage while you take a nap or two in between.
3) Read a book or take a hike.
When did you last read a book? Sure, you’ve been meaning to read it but never got the time to. Carry your book to the nearest hammock, or lay out a blanket on the fresh grass as you lie down and start reading.
If this doesn’t describe your ideal way to chill, go ahead and pack a small bag to take on a day- long hike to the nearby hills.
Nothing around you? No worries, go out for a long walk or a run to stretch out your limbs. The scientists have proven that getting fresh outside air reduces stress hormones and promotes free blood circulation.
4) Camping is your thing.
If you’re more of a camp person, pitch up a tent in your backyard or a nearby park with your family or friends. Build up a campfire, gather around and sing/ dance along.
We’ve heard the experience turns up a significant notch when you take turns telling ghost stories. End it by sleeping under the stars in your cozy sleeping bag.
While a staycation is great for the present time, don’t forget to book cheap plane tickets for your next vacation in advance. We’re offering unimaginable flight deals along with the best flight booking offers.