“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls” – Anais Nin
27 September, marking the World Tourism Day, a UNWTO drive which has been celebrated over decades! Travel has been said to enrich the mind and soul. It helps in discovering the world and visualizing the broad vistas. Also, it gives insight into the culture that the people across the world offer.
Tourism day is a great opportunity to broaden up your own little world. Find a place you’ve always wanted to make time to visit. Finally getting around making time to do it!
TOURISM FOR ALL! That’s what World Tourism Day 2016 says!
Celebrate your World Tourism Day, dig into your book of dreams and wander that place in the world you most desire to go! Of course, amidst the heavy workloads and perky family responsibilities, its easier said than done. “ A comfort zone is a beautiful and easy place, but nothing ever grows there “ Actually the best gift you could give yourself and your loved ones is a lifetime of adventures! When the travel bug sparks, no one can resist and wanderlust is notoriously difficult to control! However, the journey needs to be as exciting and adventurous as the destination itself!
There is certainly one thing which fits as our true friend all the times, BOOKS! Also, if you can’t always get out & explore, then it’s best to let a book do it for your irresistible travel bug! We have compiled a list of 5 books that will definitely get you in the mood to escape and jet off to new places as if you need any more convincing haha! You will be all over the web checking airline fares.
And boom! You’re there with another 10 reasons that will FUEL your wanderlust!
1. The Alchemist
“If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man! Life will be a party for you, a grand festival because life is the moment we’re living right now!”
Filled with bountiful inspirational and wonderful quotes, this is by far one of the best books compiled on following your dreams and just traveling! In many ways, The Alchemist is a straightforward book with simple characters. It rotates around a Spanish boy who embarks on a journey in quest of a hidden treasure and faces many hardships along the way! Wrapped within a beautiful story, this book must be ready by every travel-junkie, to need validation during the ambiguous road for achieving their dreams! Also, if you seek for inspiration on what is that you want to chase, this book can change your life!
We travelers certainly are dreamers, aren’t we? And, if you are wondering where can I find the best flight deals, check them out online.
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2. Vagabonding
The only book on the list, Vagabonding discusses directly the practical realities of long-term travel! Dream of exploring the world over a period of months or years? This is the perfect book on how to make that a reality! Much beyond the ‘how-to’ book, it is a philosophical attitude on life that emphasizes discovery, creativity, and growth of the spirit. If you seek for a book where philosophy greets the realities of the road, your quest is over! From saving to the planning of life on the road, Vagabonding is for newbies!
3. Shantaram
“Happiness is a myth. It was invented to make us buy new things! “
The storyline of Shantaram could easily be the work of a fictionist, but the fact that it portrays one man’s real-life experience makes it much more engaging and humanizing! Shantaram recites the incredible story of a man, Lin, who escapes Australian prison and flees to India, where no one knows him and his rowdy past. He befriends a street guide and they together dive into the hidden soles of Bombay meeting a colorful subset of people! This book will take you along an incredible journey through India with Lin, who has an unparalleled fable to tell! Also, it will force you to board flights to Mumbai, India!
The simple truth is ownership of most things is a bit overrated but ownership of worldly experiences is definitely not!
4. Eat, Pray, Love
Another book that captured imaginations of billions and inspired numerous stopovers by people seeking for earthly delights, balance, and divine transcendence! It’s a story about a woman, Liz, who thought that she had everything in her life, a husband, a home, and a successful career! Now freshly divorced and facing a turning point, she finds that she is muddled that what is more important to her. Liz, daring to leave her comfort zone, embarks on a quest of self-discovery that takes her to India, Italy, and Bali! The book functions on the assumption that treasure for transformation and personal well-being is equally important as the final result it aims to achieve! Highly recommended by us for someone going through a progression and seeking to step out of one’s comfort zone! After reading this you will be wondering to yourself ‘find me a flight deal to India.’
Also Read: Traveling With A Smart Phone? – Way To Use It
5. Wild
Wild is the story of a young woman. In the face of failing everything important to her, she decides to begin a hike of more than 1000 miles. This book embarks you on a daunting journey along with a person who faces abundant challenges. She is able to find healing despite the difficulties in her way! One of the reasons that Wild has struck a deep arc with so many. The young woman is brutally honest about her weaknesses and strengths. And, in doing so, is able to illuminate how challenging situations can ultimately result in redemption and self-discovery. This book is classic proof that travel exhibits the ability to heal deep wounds! Also, lessen the burden of airfare and watch out for the best Thanksgiving travel deals.
It’s is rightly said that ‘A right book can change our lives forever.’ A good book is the part of the tool belt of any traveler! Amidst these 5 travel books are stories that will make you cry, roll on the floor with laughter and mull over life’s myriad possibilities! These books will be your perfect literary companion. Whether you are on a multi-year sojourn or preparing your great escape.
Have a Happy World Tourism Day 2016!